Treaty of the Common Ruler Document in Mythia | World Anvil
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Treaty of the Common Ruler


The Treaty for the Common Ruler was signed in order to establish a democratically sanctioned ruler for all of Mythia, so as to ensure that responses on a national level were better able to be carried out.

Document Structure

Publication Status

Copies of the treaty are held at every major literary establishment in Mythia, and many minor ones also.  Each king, queen, or other national ruler keeps a personal copy.  The original treaty is stored in The Literature Museum

Legal status

The treaty is valid under all jurisdictions of Mythia at the current date.

Historical Details


The treaty was enacted principally in order to avoid any warfare impacting on the management of Rifts in Mythia.  Around the time of the signing there was significant unrest in the Plains kingdoms and also between the city-states of Cada Cratal and Jiatain, which threatened to destabilise the effectiveness of Riders and Spellslinger Coteries due to their reliance on Cada Cratal for supplies and training.

Public Reaction

Most people were for the introduction of the treaty and actively supported its existence.  Those that did not were typically non-vocal with their concerns, instead remaining secretive and developing into revolutionary cells time and again.


The treaty caused Riders and spellslinger coteries to fall under unified control, allowing them a stable base and causing many to flock to recruitment for these organisations, as they were seen as stable (if dangerous) working areas.  This led to the highly effective versions of these forces present today.  The treaty also lent itself to the unification of Mythia during disasters and major battles, such as The War of the Alpsrift and The Alpine Fires.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Authoring Date
1st day, 7th month, 148
Ratification Date
1st day, 5th month, 150

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