Myrth Geographic Location in Myrth | World Anvil
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Myrth is a realm dying, the magic that keeps the world alive has been set off balance. It sits on the surface like open wounds, pure acidic power taking the place of blood. These pools are not common, the more well known hidden away in temples and used solely by the priests and paladins. and so not many common people are aware of just how dire their predicament is.   Myrth has three main continents, Atone, Elira, and Sliyth. Atone is the most populated of the three with a large population of humans, dragonborn, and dwarves. The elves are mostly located on the other two continents but can be found, sparingly, on the main continent mostly as slaves.   Humans have spread out over much of Atone, driving back the other races into the dark corners of the continents. The gnomes have disappeared into the forests of Leuth, retreating so far that most humans believe them to be nothing more then a fairy tale. The dwarves have been sequestered into the mines of Silverforge beneath the Silverspire Mountains, and the Dragons have all been driven to the Northern Desert beyond the yawning mouth of the canyon.   The High Elves have completely vanished into the sky, forgotten with time and left to their own devices. They eventually evolved into what is now known as the Crystal Elves and they want nothing to do with any dwellers of the Lower Realms.   While the Crystal Elves keep largely to themselves the Drow and Wood Elves have an ongoing war that has lasted as long as their memory stretches. But the Drow aren't the only ones the Wood Elves have been at war with. they have all but destroyed the Kitsune, casting their cities into ruins and their peoples into exiles. The fox people have become ghosts in their own lands, nomads that haunt the forests constantly looking for a safe place to set up their homes.


Atone ranges from the lush green forests of Leuth to the cold bitter Mountains in Piryn. Down into the deserts of Iitesan and Kruziik Dovgol and even further south to the Islands of Kaidos. The terrain and weather on Atone is as vast as the peoples that live there.   Elira is a far more tropical location with, the majority of the continent is covered by the far reaching roots of a great jungle.   Sliyth, warm and luxurious the floating islands are by far the most exotic location filled will pools of both fresh water and magic and exotic plants and animals that cannot be located anywhere else.
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Cover image: Archipelago by TaisiyaYuyu

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Aug 4, 2018 11:32 by Johann Duarte

Come on, Wood Elves, stop killing people! >:( I'd like to know why they killed the poor Kitsune...   Nice article : )