Silvenni Ethnicity in Muum | World Anvil
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The people who now populate Silven, the region east of the Silent Mountains.
Like the Valeans, the Silvenni are remnants of the long-fallen Nebezni Empire, but isolation and proximity to the Nebezni Wasteland has caused their culture to diverge drastically. Many Silvenni also have a thin Desert Imperial ancestry, due to their time under the Mukala Dominion.
Silven is highly progressivistic, but aggressively so. There have been instances of them going to war with religious cultures, most notably the Imperial War.


Silvenni are meticulous about cleanliness (a fact that outsiders often attribute to their lack of magical healing and their proximity to the Wasteland). They have perfected a number of alchemical formulae for soaps and detergents... and this includes in their laundering.
Silvenni are known for the duller colors of their cloth, and a large part of this is because most dyes do not hold well against the harsh nature of the Silvenni alchemical detergents. Thicker, hardier cloth is often preferred for the same reason. As you can imagine, the Silvenni are among those pioneering means of washing that do not require hand-scrubbing. Currently popular is a mechanism that is not unlike a butter churn.
That said, Silvenni cloth is said to carry a perfume about it. That perfume is actually the scent of the soap... and the scent of clean cloth, which is something other regions of the Empire rarely achieve.

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