Uruk Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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The Necromancers

The Orc Chieftain Uruk was one of the Angmarian orc chieftains, following the command of his older brother Thorek. Their orc bands served the mighty necromancer Angmar and in return were given special magic capabilities, which for example extended their lives. Angmar was however defeated by the Kingdom of Thedas, causing the Angmarian hordes to largely disband. Chieftains Thorek, Uruk and Varkrass forged an alliance however with the necromancer Galvis Regmur, who would later become known as the Girger. Galvis marched an undead host from his retreats of Gorgorath on the Kingdom of Thedas and the Kingdom of Mazaar. Eventually the Girger was destroyed by the alliance of dwarves and men, but in his dying words he laid down a powerful curse on their lands, making them inhospitable and creating the Red Waste. The Angmarians now had little to no opposition in conquering the only province spared from the curse: Geldrin.  

A Kingdom of their own

After the fall of Thedas, Geldrin was quickly conquered by the Angmarian force. After controlling the region for more than 150 years, Thorek sent his brothers Uruk and Varkrass westward through the abandonded, underground dwarven realm of Mazaar. On the other side of the Red Waste Uruk erected a permanent orc camp called Orcia and started forging alliances with the local orc tribes. His brother Varkrass headed south and came across a federation of orc tribes. He established himself as their King and founded the kingdom of Orsinium.  


While Varkrass and Uruk had taken a large portion of the Angmarian warbands westwards, Geldrin was lightly defended. The Bands of Brothers used this opportunity and invaded the cities of Geldrin. Uruk and Varkrass did not hear of this untill it was much too late. At that point they decided it was not worth the trouble to return eastwards. Varkrass focused on his newfounded kingdom and Uruk led his alliance of orc and wilding tribes against the eastern defenders of the Westfork: The Night's Watch. In 1377 he led a particular great host of orcs and wildlings into the Kingdom of Gotha. This event is known as the Great Wild Incursion. His host was only nearly defeated by the young Gothic prince Aegon II Strongborn and his uncle Holgunn I Strongborn, after he had plundered his ways through Edaur, Rhudaur and the Falklands.  

The First Great Wilderness expedition

After his defeat at Aegon's Hold, Uruk's alliance fell apart. In the years to come he tried to reunite the clans, but to no avail. At least he thought the puny humans of the West defeated, and focused on looking out for his own clan. The First Great Wilderness Expedition came as a complete surprise for him. The Night's Watch had been reformed under Marcus Vardenfell and expanded eastwards. They caught the orc clans by surprise and conquered Starkhaven and next laid siege to Orcia. Uruk faced off against this new foe, but he was bested and fell to the young Lord Commander.
1145 3E 1388 3E 243 years old


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