Mazaar Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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The ancient dwarven metropolis Mazaar is found deep underground beneath the Red Waste, serving as the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Mazaar. While the city was abandoned due to Girger's curse in the year 1193 , it was reconquered from the undead by the combined efforts of @Thorin Oakenshield, last remaining heir to throne of Mazaar, and his dear friend @Marcus Vardenfell. While much of the grand city is still in ruin and under occassional siege by goblins, the city is slowly rebuild by the continuation of the @Kingdom of Mazaar. The city's main mineshafts have been rid of rubble and the excavations of rare ores and gems has continued.

The Entryways

In size the city of Mazaar is almost unmatched, with the tunnelsystems surrounding the city equaling the size of the Red Waste. The city has four main entryways, two of which are still in use at the moment:
  • A southern entrance found in the hearth of the @Talon Mountains. The tunnels to this gateway remain blocked by piles of rubble, effectively shutting the city of from the troll and giant inhabitants of the Talon Mountains. A western entrance found close to the @Dreadfort. This passageway is the main route of entrance nowadays, as it endures the trade between the dwarven kingdom of Mazaar and their allies the Night's Watch. An eastern entrance surfacing near @Tumnosh. While this entrance functioned as a trade route in ancient times with the cities of @Geldrin, it also functions as the main barrier between the kingdoms of the @Westfork and the kingdoms of the east. During the war with the @Girger it guarded the kingdom against the @Angmarians, during which the entrance was barred off. The entrance was shortly opened after the reclaiming of Mazaar by combined forces of the The Night's Watch and followers of @Thorin Oakenshield, to enable trade with the @Bands of Brothers. During the @Second Angmarian war it proved a vital role in the supplying of the Night's Watch armies. Nowadays it is sealed once more to protect the west from the orc hordes of @Azhidal. A northern entrance surfaces close to the village of @Vesul, and functions as the main trade route between the dwarven @Kingdom of Orzammar and @Kingdom of Mazaar. While chances are this entrance will not be open for long if Azhidal's scouting parties persist into the Red Waste, for now this entrance remains a port of trade. /li]


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