Session V: We're going on an Adventure Report Report in Mundus | World Anvil
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Session V: We're going on an Adventure Report

General Summary

Wolf Aftermath

Waking up in the Dungeons

Balin and Tristan wake up in the middle of the night in the dungeons. Balin is taken to another room by Bokun and is interrogated. He refuses to answer Bokun's questions truthfully and after holding his face in a bucket of water a few times, Bokun is done with it. He decides to give Balin a burn mark at his right thigh. It is after this Zulk the Wise enters the room and commands Bokun to stop his torturing. He brings Tristan in the room as well and interrogates them. Afterwards he gives them his ultimatum: Their party will complete the task at hand hand ([Sacking the Shire) within a week, and Balin & Tristan will not receive payment for the job. They accept, knowing full well there is no refusing Zulk's demands from their position.  

Retrieval of Oswald & Nalan

First, Nalan and Oswald were confronted by Bokun deep in the night, to follow him to Zulk the Wise's dungeons. There they met with Zulk and answered his questions truthfully. It is here they learn of Tristan and Balin's doings. Zulk decides to give each of them 100 gp after completing the mission at hand. They accept and Tristan and Balin are given back there stuff, though both are missing 50 gp. The party decides to do a Long Rest close to the dungeons.  

Leaving Ban Grond

In the morning Balin decides to go hunting and catches a few rabbits. Nalan and Oswald retrieve Shluk from Ban Grond and they all prepare to travel.  

The travel

First day

During the first day, little noteworthy happens. However once camp has been set up, Oswald opened-up on his notices of possible chronomancy to the group.  

First night

During the first night, the party was ambushed by three Lurkers in the night. They quickly got rid of them, thanks to Oswald's Sleep spell. Afterwards they return to sleep.  

Second Day


On the second day they encounter a Shrine dedicated to Meridia. They decide to burn some liquor in the bowl next to the statue and see their swords suddenly glowing.  

Arriving at Savior's Landing

Upon arriving at Savior's Landing they see a pallisade being built around the premise of the village. The adventurers decide to go to Rye's Tent to speak with the Captain. They tell him of their findings, and together decide to keep the goblins as friends for now. In addition, Captain Lennard Rye will send troops to man Gnel's Hold and has agreed to bring the adventurers to the shores of the jungle with the Magdalena.  

Shopping at Isadora's

Oswald decides to go to Isadora's Hut where he meets Isadora. After a little chat about old times, Oswald buys 2 petty Soul Gems, a scroll of Soul Trap and ink to write the scrolls into his Wizard book.  

The Fist Fights

Although the party decided Balin and Tristan would not drink till their task was completed, Balin quickly broke his promise and sneaked away from their campsite to join the men in gambling and drinking. After more than half an hour the party starts looking for him and shortly after find him drinking. Nalan is pissed that Balin doesn't keep his promises and confronts Balin by insulting him for a weenie that couldn't even fight off a few goblins. The brothers Mc Gillan take this as an insult to the dwarves and join Balin, while many men join Nalan. In the end they start yelling: "Fight, fight, fight". Balin challenges Nalan and he accepts. First Balin comes with a nice left-hook, though this impressed Nalan little who followed with a hard slip punch knocking Balin partly of his feet. Balin decides to change tactics and begins with fast evasions and slip punches. Although Nalan tries to counter his increase in speed, he fails and is hit with a kick. At this moment Nalan decides to attempt to hit Balin where it hurts, but fails. Balin saw him coming and knocked Nalan of his feet with a headbump. This causes the crowd to yell and crown Balin the victor. Shortly after, First Mate Mercer challenges Balin to a fist fight, which he looses terribly. Nevertheless, Mercer starts liking Balin for his honor and all have a merry night.  

On the Ship

The next morning the adventurers quickly leave Savior's Landing sailing for the jungle to travel to the Shire of Sloniz.  

Arrival at the Jungle

After walking through the dense jungle for a while, the adventurers stumble upon a hill. To pass it, they can either climb over it, or go to through a small tunnel that goes through it. They decide to go over the hill and start their climb. Suddenly they are met with a voice, "Drop your weapons or feel our Wrath". Nalan attempts to de-escalate the situation, but fails as he declares himself a friend of Sloniz, which the rebels (unbeknownst to them) don't take kindly. A conflict erupts in which a Flame Atronach is summoned by a Goblin shaman. Although the goblins are quickly dealt with, the Flame Atronach manages to down both Balin and Oswald, who where only saved by Tristan's healing. In the end, Nalan attacks the Flame Atronach, whom he successfully downs with a mighty smite.  

The interrogation

The adventurers kept one goblin alive, who bursted into tears upon awakening and seeing all his friends dead on the ground. He tells them about Sloniz's secret evil, the disappearance of the Hobgoblins of the tribe, and the overall seeming relaxing atmosphere of the village. After the interrogations Nalan wishes to kill the goblin, to which Balin reacts by freeing the goblin. Nalan makes a swing with his flail, which Oswald attempts to stop unsuccessfully, but luckily misses the goblin. The goblin runs of into the wilds, perhaps to never be seen again.

Rewards Granted

20 sp 10 gp to Nalan for gambling 10 gp for lurker hide/leather.


Red Armours should be introduced better.
The Island of Runaar
Tristan Zabaleta
Level 5 Human Neutral Ranger (Monster Slayer)
/ 38 HP
Oswald Fleetfeet
TN halfling(gnome) (cloistered scholar)
wizard 5
26 / 26 HP
Report Date
01 Jul 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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