Council Halls Building / Landmark in Mundus | World Anvil
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Council Halls

The only place in Ban Grond where all tribes declared not to wage war, the Council Halls could be called the center of government of Ban Grond (similar to the function it held it dwarven times). It is here the tribes come together to settle large debates, such as deciding to go to war among others. Although still largely standing from the dwarven times, the interior of the castle has faded from its ancient glory, now full of goblin dirt and trophies.  

Involvement with The White Flame

During the expedition on Rhunaar by the Windhelm Trading Company, the council halls staged the final battleground between the Brown Chests of Aard and the Black Hands of Azaroth, with the latter being defeated at this site (see Session XVIII: Charge!!!!! Report till Session XX: A Successful Revolution? Report. It later functions to initiate The White Flame as tribe of the Ban Grond Alliance, and plan the consecutive march on the Conflux Mountain during Session XXXV: Members of the Alliance Report.


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