Session XX: A Successful Revolution? Report Report in Mundus | World Anvil
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Session XX: A Successful Revolution? Report

General Summary

The Catacombs

After opening the lid of the sarcophagus, Balin Thornbow is struck Paralyzed by a magic ward guarding the sarcophagus. Immediately, a purple gemstone situated in the bust of a beautiful-winged woman's statue starts glowing and pulsing, after which multiple basonettes start erupting the same disturbing purple aura. From the sarcophagus emerges a powerful skeleton, held together by shadows, who raises his greatsword toward Balin. Oswald Fleetfeet begins by firing a Fire Bolt at the Shadow Paladin , but is caught of guard by a Shadow manifesting near him who starts draining him of his Strength. Suddenly, lightning erupts from the basonettes, but luckily non of the adventures are in harm's way. Tristan Zabaleta rushes to Oswald's aid, battling the Shadows, while Nalan charges the Shadow Paladin near Balin.   The Shadow Paladin raises his blade once more on the paralyzed Balin who succumbs to his might, collapsing to the ground unconscious. Nalan returns Balin to the conscious world, after which they battle the Shadow Paladin. Although the Paladin manages to put up a decent fight, with multiple tricks up his sleeves such as Darkness and Hellish Rebuke, he is defeated by an arrow to the head from Tristan. The adventurers scavenge the room, stumbling upon a silver amulet with a purple stone set within. Nalan, being the curious one he is, starts licking the silver and the gem, which results in an argument between Oswald and Nalan. Nalan decides to keep hold of the amulet, even though they figure the gem is made from Lyrium. Apart from the amulet, they manage to pull the purple gemstone set in the woman's bust out of the statue, causing Nalan to feel a sudden shock through his wrinkles. Upon closer examination, they discover the statue represents Dibella, goddess of Beauty, but her statue was defiled by magic originating from Beliar. With the sarcophagus only yielding a diary of sorts, the adventurers decide to return to the surface and take a rest at the siege camp.  

Celebration at last

When they get to the siege camp, they learn Aard's charge on the Council Hall was successful, with Bugbears and Goblins all around starting to celebrate between the piles of Hobgoblin corpses. Aard orders his folk to find and raid the hidden quarters of Azaroth, which he believes to be situated in the Church's catacombs. The adventurers are struck with stupidity, realizing they have missed the treasure of a lifetime in the catacombs they fought valiantly for to claim. They decide to run back to the Church to see what remains to be scavenged but to little avail. They are met by Bugbears carrying multiple chests, a crate full of mysterious potions and even a bed. Checking the room for further valuables, they find multiple writings in Orcish, Dwarvish and Common. They decide to take the writings with them and join the celebrations.   Returning to the mighty feast, liters and liters of ale are being poured. Oswald decides to take in the scenery from a distance together with Nalan, who join the kobolds near the big feast. Multiple kobolds are interested in Oswald's gift of Fire Magic, to which he responds by casting a Scorching Ray in the air. The kobolds are thrilled and ask him to share with them from which mighty dragon he may have learnt such talents. Oswald explains he manifested these powers through hard work and study of ancient writings, which leaves the kobolds a bit underwhelmed.   Balin & Tristan join the great main fun and participate in multiple dances. Balin learns Azaroth was never encountered by the Brown Chests during the siege, likely escaping through some tunnels that run below Ban Grond. With his curiosity spiked, Balin decides to write this down, as he'll probably forget it by the next day. He continues to share tales of their mighty battles through his Pipe of Remembrance. With ale flowing through his beard he approaches Aard asking him where he got his gift of the Dragon Tongue. Aard demonstrates his raw strength shouting FUS at a couple of spiked hobgoblin heads. He answers he learnt the Thu'um in his campaign against the Last Giant of Rhunaar to which all goblins cheer. He then grabs Balin and brings his ear close to his mouth, telling him he should not ask any further questions on the topic. He then pads Balin on the back and starts laughing again.   Nalan decides to check up on the Bugbear with the red scarf he remembers to have carried most of the stuff upstairs. He is met by an old acquaintance of theirs, Rogdor the Armful (see Session X: Revenge on the Troll King Report), who pats Nalan on the back. They share stories of the Great Battle, although Rogdor is not too impressed by Nalan's tales of the zombie hordes, repeating to ask him "You mean those Tiny ones?". His tale from the Shadow Paladin do impress him and they share a few rounds of drinks. Nalan then questions the Bugbear with the red scarf on the contents of the treasure they retrieved. He shares with him there were multiple odd looking potions, ranging in color from blue to red, a chest of "Red Sand" and a mighty sum of gold. Woed by the tales of the treasure, Nalan joins the kobolds again, hoping to convert them to the Chant of Innos.   The celebrations lasted from 11 in the morning, when they successfully defeated the Black Hands, to far in the night. After 6 o'clock, Oswald starts asking the others to return to their Mansion. He manages to persuade the others in joining him around 11 in the evening, when they call it a night. Balin & Tristan manage to get inside, but lay themselves down in the hallway near the stairs, as they don't possess the strength nor will to get themselves up. Oswald decides to throw down their blankets from the top floor, allowing them to have a semi-comfortable nightrest. In the morning, Balin & Nalan awake with a mighty hangover, while Oswald & Tristan seem to be fine. All of them feel strengthened however through their experience in battle and rejoice in their new found constitution (They levelled to Level 6).  

Peace Talks

Oswald is met by his loyal pal "Geest Uil" who carries a message from Captain Lennard Rye, stating his troops are on their way to Ban Grond. Tristan & Nalan decide to ride out to them on Ioris & Fusd, while Balin and Oswald remain behind. The Trading Company's assault is called off, and the adventurers are informed new supplies and reinforcements will arrive in two weeks. Rejoiced by these notions, the adventurers discuss what reward they would like from Aard for aiding him in his revolution. They decide political influence would be the most valuable reward and they continue to meet with Aard. They indulge Aard in their desire to settle themselves and some Night's Watch forces in the remainders of Gnel's quarters. Aard supports their claim to Gnel's regions, but a true decision on the matter must be made by the Council of Chieftains. The adventurers agree and ask if Aard could spare another personal reward for them. Aard gives them the option to choose from the following rewards:
  • A small chest of "Red Sand" (a.k.a. Lyrium Dust with contaminants)
  • A crate with 5 potions: Two large potions with red fluid (revealed to be Potions of Greater Healing), two medium sized flasks with a blue liquid (Mana Potions), and a mysterious potion in dark glass as to not be exposed to sunlight
  • A sum of gold, corresponding to 400 gp each
  The adventurers decide to take the 400 gp per person and start planning their moves for the next two weeks until reinforcements arrive to Rhunaar.

Rewards Granted

  • Silver amulet taken from "Ser Raelon Gundyr", set with a purple gemstone made of Lyrium
  • A large purple gem taken from the bust of a corrupted Dibelle statue
  • Diary of "Ser Raelon Gundyr" and writings still present in Azaroth's chambers
  • 400 gp each
  • Level 6

Missions/Quests Completed

Viva La Revolution
The Island of Runaar
Tristan Zabaleta
Level 5 Human Neutral Ranger (Monster Slayer)
/ 38 HP
Oswald Fleetfeet
TN halfling(gnome) (cloistered scholar)
wizard 5
26 / 26 HP
Report Date
17 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Articles under Session XX: A Successful Revolution? Report


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