Session X: Revenge on the Troll King Report Report in Mundus | World Anvil
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Session X: Revenge on the Troll King Report

General Summary

Business in Ban Grond

Reporting to Zulk

The adventurers return to Zulk the Wise in the morning, reporting the dead of Sloniz, finishing the quest : Sacking the Shire. Zulk asks the adventurers about details regarding Sloniz, to which the adventurers respond truthfully, sharing Sloniz's true identity: Sarados. As a reward Oswald Fleetfeet & Nalan are given 100 gp each, while Balin Thornbow & Tristan Zabaleta are given 50 gp each. After a bit of chatting about their future, discussing the possibility to join the clans of Ban Grond, the conversation develops around the troll king. Zulk admits his toll is a thorn in his eye. After a bit of negotiations, both parties agree upon a reward of 200 gp, answering the adventurers' questions on the island truthfully, and one free warg.  

Choosing a new warg

Although Tristan follows Nalan in retrieving the promised warg at first, he is dismissed by Nalan as the owner may remember Tristan's face from earlier affairs (see Session 4.5: The Wolf Adventure Report). In the end Nalan goes to the farm alone and meets the owner. He gets to pick one of three wargs: a somewhat hyena looking one with chestnut-orange manes, a 'normally' furred warg with black pelt and a warg with a large purple scar on its chest. Although the latter warg doesn't speak Common, Nalan picks this warg and the party dubs him Fusd. He is given a small list of commandos in Goblin, which can be used to command Fusd. Nalan meets up with his friend in a tavern, the Prancing Goat, after Oswald finishes up writing his scrolls and Tristan finishes his brewing.  

Armwrestling it is

Having downed a few drinks, Tristan starts asking around the bar if any of the goblins dare challenge Nalan to an armwrestling competition. Eventually they come across a bugbear who is willing to participate in the competition. While Tristan collects the goblins' wages and bets, Nalan and the bugbear have a staredown which intimidates the bugbear after a while. They commence their wrestling as Nalan takes initiative and attempts to quickly end the fight. He quickly perceives however the bugbear lured him to this point. Knowing full well pushing forward now would be in vain, he gives in to the bugbear who now thinks he can beat Nalan. Nalan further tires the bugbear, throwing down his arm in the end and rising victorious. They collect 20 gp from all the wages, of which they spend half to buy the goblins in the tavern a round.   After a lot of merry, Tristan asks if the bugbear would be interested in joining them on their vendetta against the troll king. The bugbear tells them he can't, as his boss would have his head if he doesn't show up in the mines. This does give the bugbear an idea, challenging Nalan to armwrestle his boss Rogdor. They agree and walk towards a stronghold on the road towards the mines. Arriving there, Nalan is quickly intimidated by the large bugbear Rogdor who laughs at the puny human challenging him. Their competition is ended quickly and firmly by Rogdor who nearly injures Nalan as he strikes down his arm. Rogdor demands a tribute for his victory, to which Tristan offers him some of his moonshine, satiating Rogdor's desires. Walking back to town defeated they call it a night to travel towards the gorge at first light.  

A bridge occupied once-more

After travelling for two days through the jungle, with Nalan being bitten by a snake and being stung by multiple mosquitoes, the adventurers arrive at the bridge in the morning dawn. Hiding between the jungle trees, they spot two trolls, with one troll on their side of the bridge. Oswald uses his Minor Illusion to mimic a female troll's voice asking the troll to come toward the woods. Upon approaching them, Oswald continues with the following: "Oh grote trol, laat je knots hier maar liggen, aan je eigen knots heb je genoeg". The troll is confused by this, upon which the adventurers decide to jump the troll. They manage to successfully down the troll, taking only a few hits, and knock the troll unconscious. Upon waking the troll with Nalan's Lay on Hands the troll releases a loud shout, alarming the other trolls in the vicinity. The adventurers decide to run further into the jungle hiding among the trees.  

The Waiting Game

The bridge is soon guarded by three trolls, one being heavily armored. The trolls take up defensive positions and wait for their enemies to come out of hiding. Oswald decides to cast Invisibility on Nalan to prepare an ambush, while Tristan & Balin take up positions in range of their (cross)bow. Although they attempted to move silently, the crackling of twigs alarms the wary trolls and they throw a large boulder to the origin of the sound. Combat ensues, with the armored troll and another charging head-on toward Oswald, while Balin keeps evading thrown boulders. After an intense fight, downing Nalan in the process, the adventurers arise victorious. Taking a Short Rest to contemplate on their victory, they decide to head down into the canyon to face the troll king and claim his treasure hoard.  

An audience with the King

Entering the King's cave, the adventurers are met by a large empty space with stairs leading down to a large fire pit and a throne of bones. The stairs are neighbored by balconies decorated with elvish columns. Nalan decides to go down the stairs when the Troll King appears out of a tunnel behind his throne. As combat ensues, multiple goblins and hobgoblins join the King's ranks, with 2 goblin shamans providing the king with healing and buffs. The king himself shows his versatile attacks, with him stamping on the ground to make spikes drop from the ceiling, raising his hammer to shoot three Magic Missiles, and of course his large swings. Nalan is once again downed but saved from death by Balin's healing potion. After what seems as an eternal battle with the shamans and the king, they are finally downed, granting the adventurers victory. As they start to scavenge the King's treasure, they discuss their plans and talk about venturing to the Conflux Mountain in the Purple Plains. In addition, the adventurers feel great power surging through them with their victory over the King, granting them the powers & abilities of level 5.

Rewards Granted

  • Heavy Great Maul of Magic Missiles (Requires Strength 16, has the Momentum property)
  • Fusd
  • The troll king's treasure (though contents are not yet determined)
  • Missions/Quests Completed

    Defeated the troll King and thereby completed Zulk's task.
    The Island of Runaar
    Tristan Zabaleta
    Level 5 Human Neutral Ranger (Monster Slayer)
    / 38 HP
    Oswald Fleetfeet
    TN halfling(gnome) (cloistered scholar)
    wizard 5
    26 / 26 HP
    Report Date
    27 Sep 2020
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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