The White Flame Organization in Mundus | World Anvil
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The White Flame

The White Flame is the newest Tribe to become part of the Ban Grond Alliance on Rhunaar. The tribe was found by its Smoulders Nalan, Oswald Fleetfeet, John Doe and their Chieftain Balin Thornbow in 1471 during the events of Session XXXV: Members of the Alliance Report. The term is most often used to refer to its Smoulders during the Windhelm Trading Company's landing on Rhunaar.  


The White Flame is a product of the actions of both The Resourceful Ones and The Butchers of Beliar. Its founding was bloody process, in which three of the five former Chieftains of the Alliance were removed. The initial accidental murder of Gnel, Chieftain of the Bone Crushers, created a void to be filled in the alliance. Later the Smoulders remove the Black Hands from Ban Grond by allying themselves with Aard's Brown Chests. It is their final defeat of Sabulah, Chieftain of the Arachnid Tribe, that consolidates their position in the council. The Tribe now resides in the conquered Gnel's Mansion.
Geopolitical, Tribe


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