A brief overview of the world's current state in Mundus | World Anvil
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A brief overview of the world's current state

Although there are many more articles to be found about this topic within the World Anvil page (and more will certainly follow), this article provides a short introduction into the state of the 'known world' prior to the start of the campaign (which starts in the year 3E:1471. Please if you do read something you find interesting, either read more articles on the subject and/or contact us for further info on the topic.  

Globular recent events

Valthor's Ascension, Hokan, Hokan's Erabenisum, Age of Phantasm.  


The Westfork is the most detailed continent of the world of Mundus, as it has served as the main setting for a RPG-campaign prior to the events of Runaar. The history of the Westfork has been recorded from the arrival of the Strongborn brothers, who roughly birthed the 'Three Kingdoms'. After some time the Westfork is united by the Septim empire, which reigns over the Westfork from 3E:1021-1290. Afterwards the Westfork is divided into three kingdoms (Kingdom of Myrtana, Kingdom of Gotha and Kingdom of Corinth), which are often into conflict with each other, with 2 non-monarchical orders becoming of vital importance: The Inquisition and The Night's Watch. After much wars, both internal and external, the magical order of the Inquisition is largely removed from the Westfork, living on the islands of Dagobar and Creon and holding the city of Koron. As the old-classification of the three kingdoms suits explanation of the Westfork best, I will adhere to this description of the continent. Therefore the current situation:
  • Corinth is currently governed largely by the Kingdom of Gotha, being annexed from the Kingdom of Corinth around 1428. The most southern metropolis of Corinth is ruled by the Inquisition, the remainder of Corinth divided among the Kingdom of Gotha. The Windhelm Trading Company (your employers), control most of the trading ports in Thessalonikos. Tension between the Inquisition and Kingdom of Gotha rises, as more civilians side against the 'barbaric invaders from Gotha'.
  • Myrtana is governed by the Kingdom of Myrtana, with most of its cities ruled by the three feudal houses of Telvanni, Redcliff and Angelos, the latter bearing the crown. It is influenced greatly by the Chantry of Fire situated in the realm. It hosts a typical European medieval society, with knights from the ruling houses and noble paladins of Innos. It is at somewhat of a conflict with its old colony of Khorinis, who recently invaded Essos (3E:1465).
  • Gotha is the largest of the regions, ruled by the Kingdom of Gotha, a collective of Jarls and the The Night's Watch. It houses both horse lords, small feudal lords and The Night's Watch.
  • The east of the Westfork is ruled by the The Night's Watch (stretching into the Wilds), an order grown far beyond its earliest purpose of protecting the Westfork against wildling invaders. The rise of the Night's Watch by Marcus Vardenfell is the main setting of a previous RPG-campaign taking place in Mundus. One of the largest factions of the Westfork, the Night's Watch deals on daily basis with conflicts from the wilds, racial and magically related discrimination within its borders, and houses the largest trading company: the Windhelm Trading Company.
  • Creon and Dagobar, the islands where the Inquisition rule. This magical order houses a medium army, but is most renown for its study of magic, with them housing the leading magic research throughout the Westfork (even rivaling the Adamantine Tower of the Zemerian Empire in some aspects). As the name suggests, the inquisition also has the largest spy-network in the Westfork, with agents all around the realm.


The most western part of the Westfork continent, Corinth is bordered by the Velothi mountains and the Ivar river on its eastern side, with the ocean on its eastern side. Corinth was ruled by a Greek-like kingdom from the 3E:1290, and the order of the Inquisition. The Inquisition conscripted all the mages in the land, often saving them from execution, and taught them in the arts of magic. Furthermore, they held a tight grasp on the King of Corinth, with him often being referred to as the Inquisition's puppet throughout his kingdom. The Inquisition left Corinth after a civil war with the Corinthian Kingdom, ending the war in a stalemate. A few years later, the Corinthian kingdom reignited the war by assaulting the Inquisition on the mining island of Creon. Through a mix of events, this left Corinth vulnerable with both the Kingdom of Myrtana and Kingdom of Gotha taking the opportunity to launch an invasion on Corinth. The kingdom of Gotha successfully took control of all of Corinth, except for the province of Korona, with its metropolis of Koron. Koron was first invaded by a small host of Chantry of Fire, but was liberated in 1428 by Inquisition forces.   The inhabitants of Corinth were often not too happy with Inquisition rule, but certainly prefer it to the Gothic oppression. As such, tensions between the Gothic invaders of the Kingdom of Gotha and the Inquisition and local populace are rising.  


The lands of knights and agriculture, Myrtana is marked with internal conflict always at bay. As all Myrtanian kingdoms are born from a coup here, with the great houses vying for more power, it is no wonder Myrtana knows its civil wars. Most noteworthy is the religious influence of the Chantry of Fire, being the only practiced religion across the realm. Myrtana is bordered by the ancient capital of the Septim empire, Mulandir, to the north. Furthermore, it borders Korona to the east, Whiterun to the north-east, the Falklands to the north-west and the The Night's Watch keep of Okara to the west. Before the Angelosi coup, the Myrtanians were thriving and colonizing across the globe, conquering cities in the southern continent of Essos and the distant island of Khorinis.


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