Kingdom of Corinth Organization in Mundus | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Corinth

The Kingdom of Corinth was situated on the Western coasts of the Westfork in the province known as Corinth. Originally it existed as a range of great trade cities, bound in their shared belief in Adanos, God of water and balance, and part of the Pantheon of Three. While the other kingdoms of the Westfork were either founded or conquered by the Three Strongborn brothers, the Alliance of Corinth was affected only little be the presence of Gorax Strongborn. At the dawn of the Septim Empire, the Alliance of Corinth quickly swayed to Tiber Septim's call, causing Tiber to pronounce himself Emperor of the Westfork. A governor was picked from their own, granting the house of Sedras a seat on the Imperial Council. During the times of the Empire, Corinth grew greatly in both economical importance as well as becoming one of the main Imperial navy ports. In addition, Veranus Septim used the ancient keep of Veloth to combine the order of Imperial Mages with the Inquisition. As such the Inquisition started to play a great role of importance within the Corinthian cities. The fall of the Septim Empire caused Corinth to suffer greatly. In a joint effort between the High Inquisitor Sergus I of the Inquisition, house Baratheon of Thessalonikos and house Veras of Koron, they drove the usurper Hieronymous Lex from the lands of Corinth. After this feat, house Baratheon became the royal family of Corinth seated on the Sapphire Throne. The house of Veras was granted the duchy of Koron and the Inquisition were given the right of Mage Conscription and the right to hold military forces. In the year 1406 the kingdom was plagued by a civil war between the Baratheon King and the Inquisition. While much transpired during this civil war, the magical destruction of Thessalonikos' upper quarter by High Inquisitor Simeon Vardenfell is among the most noteworthy, showing the world the great power the Inquisition housed. The civil war was ended by a truce between both parties forcing the Inquisition to abandon the Kingdom of Corinth and retreat to their islands (Creon and Dagobar). In recent years, the Baratheon King ended the truce by attacking Inquisition forces on the island of Creon. This new civil war between the Baratheon King and the Inquisition in the end resulted in the weakening of Corinth's borders, which caused the its neighbours to invade the rich lands. The war resulted in the dissolution of the Kingdom of Corinth, its northern provinces divided between the Gothic Realms. Its southern port of Koron switched ownership from house Veras to Maximus Angelos, who's host was eventually defeated by Inquisition forces. Nowadays the unification of the Corinthian lands under one crown is only a whisper uttered in the houses of noble families that long for the good old days, as a great tension exists between the Kingdom of Gotha and the Inquisition in the Corinthian lands.

A balance well kept


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