Thessalonikos Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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The city of Thessalonikos is situated in the northern peninsula of Thessaria. It is an important port city in the lands that were once known as the Kingdom of Corinth. Nowadays it is ruled by the Strongborn kings of the Kingdom of Gotha. The city is known for its textile industry, and woven garments from Thessalonikos are worn far and wide in the Westfork. The city used to support a native merchant class, but most of the seafaring trade has fallen in the hands of the Windhelm Trading Company after the Corinthian Civil War.   Because of its location on the edge of the Westfork, Thessalonikos used to be the main port for Inquisition voyages across the Widewater. The peninsula of Thessaria is full of rugged meadows used mainly for the herding of sheep. At the docks there are large fish markets were local fishermen sell their fish by the hundreds. The currents of the Bay of Ran-Aegir and the Middle Sea join in such a way near the coasts of Thessalonikos that a large variety of fish can be found in the waters.
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