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Eastern Mountains Stenza


Art & Architecture

Eastern Mountains clans are most known for incorporating a satin undergarment, typically an Insulating Mesh, and an overgarment of a twill weave. Very commonly these garments are favored for religious events and have especially been favored by mountain climbers. In all other cases, only one or the other type of fabric is favored for day to day use, depending on the individual.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Coming of Age Rites

Funerary and Memorial customs

Encompassed species
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Sep 12, 2021 16:20 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ooo a satin undergarment. Sounds soft.

Sep 12, 2021 21:38

Yep! Or possibly slippery, depending on how used to it you are. (flashes back to a scene from The Big Bang Theory)