Mantle of Ari Item in Morado | World Anvil
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Mantle of Ari

The Mantle of Ari, or the Lionsguard Mantle refers to the power bestowed upon the members of the Lions’ Guard. It originates from the Archangel Seraphiel, and is built from an aspect of the affiliate constellation: Ari the Lion.   It was first created by Feodor the Wise, champion of the Dawn Warrior, who made five mantle’s from Ari’s Blessing. He then gifted to them to his must trusted friends, who used its power to defend the Dwarven Clans from the Lycanthropic Horde. The Mantles of Ari have since been passed down generation to generation of defenders, the latest of whom have set up their base in Gateway, Morado.   Those given the Mantle are assessed by the Soul of the Mantle, also known as A Fragment of Ari. Those who are deemed worthy are gifted with the first stage of the Mantle’s power. Those who are deemed unworthy, are either ejected from the mantle or destroyed.   Upon attunement, the user gains the following:   First Attunement - Level 0 of the Lion Lycanthropy  
  • Body of the Lion: The wearer of the mantle of Ari can use their action to magically Wild Shape into that of a Celestial Lion. Your mental stats are unchanged, but your physical stats and size become the same as that of a Lion. Your HP becomes the same as a Lions, and if you drop to 0, your transformation ends. While transformed you gain resistance to bludgeoning/slashing/piercing damage from all non magical attacks that aren't made of Vlodiron or Angelsbane. Your armor class as a Lion becomes 10+dex mod+str mod, and you are unable to cast spells, wield weapons or armor, or use magic items as a Lion. You retain the ability to speak, and you gain the lion’s traits and tactics (See Lion stat block). The transformation lasts 1 hour and the bearer can use this ability once per week. The ability resets at the Dawn of Golsday. You can dismiss your transformation at any time using a free action.
  • Will of a Hunter - The user devotes their whole to a single minded pursuit of a target. If the user moves ten feet in a straight line toward or adjacent to their target, they can use their reaction to make an additional attack with their weapon of choice. If the user uses this ability, their next attack must be against the same target they used their reaction attack against, unless their target has died, in which case they can choose another target.
  • Flaw - Sensitivity to Sin: While transformed you are Vulnerable to damage from weapons made with Vlodiron or Angelsbane.
      Second Attunement - Level 1 of Lion Lycanthropy   This occurs when one is chosen by Ari. It means the person is now inducted as member of the Lions’ Guard. Those who achieve this tier gain the following:  
  • Ari’s Blessing (first time use only): Those who achieve this tier regain their health and are cured of any curse or status ailment befalling them. In addition all spent Mantle Related Abilities are reset.
  • Heart of the Lion - The one who holds the Mantle of Ari is immune to any magical or poison based effects that induce fear or the frightened condition.
  • True Body of a Lion: The Mantle Bearer can use their Body of a Lion ability to instead transform into a hybrid form Lion/Humanoid creature. This hybrid form grants the wearer +2 to all physical stats (maximum 20), resistance to any bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage, Keen Senses (advantage on ability checks to see, hear, and smell), and +10 movement speed. The bearer can use weapons, cast spells, speak normally, and use items in this form. The bearer gains claws that deal 1d6 damage, are considered natural weapons, and are non-magical at this stage. This transformation lasts 1 minute, and can be dismissed as a free action any time.
  • (Flaw) The Bleeding Heart - the bearer becomes significantly more empathetic to the pain and suffering of those around you. When someone pleas to you for help or requests assistance in a serious matter, regardless of one’s impression, you must make a Charisma Save (DC = 8+Lycanthrope level+proficiency). On a failed save you become compelled to help this individual. This does not override the mantle bearer’s opinion of said person, but does change how they feel about them.
  Third Attunement - Level 2 of Lion Lycanthropy   To Be Written/Discovered

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The mantle acts as a type of cape, and can be donned and doffed at a moment’s notice. When inert it resembled a lion’s head and can be worn like a hood. This is generally not the best way to wear it, however, as in this state it can and will eat whomever it doesn’t like.   When attuned at Level 0 the mantle appears only as a bite mark scar on the bearer’s body. At Level 1, the mantle becomes a silver and brown cape with a hood that can help keep precipitation off the bearer (rain,wind, snow, etc). At level 3 it gives the bearer resistance to cold and fire, allowing them to remain unaffected by extreme temperatures.


It was once worn by Feodor the Wise’ brother, Lev the Strong. He and his group were personal guards to Feodor, and went on covert missions to seek and destroy any lycanthrope that plagued the land. The job is extremely dangerous and the Mantles won’t bond to just anyone. Because of this, membership is extremely low.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Current Location
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