Claudius Melchior Character in Morado | World Anvil
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Claudius Melchior

Claudius Elmar Melchior (a.k.a. The Scoundrel Son)

“Let’s make some mistakes, and have fun while we’re at it.”  
  • Claudius before a set.
  •   The son of Feodor Melchior and his wife, Claudia. He’s a fun loving young man who cares little for his position as a future lord, and prefers to spend his time carousing with the common folk. He has gained notoriety among the Settledusk community as a bit of a scoundrel.   Some time after Alloyus' founding, he and his father made a long trip to Areithos to be knighted as Marquis, given titles, and the official blessing of the Empire's crown to govern their region. During this trip, Claudius would sneak off to perform at bars and taverns against his father's wishes. During this time he met Delphine, and the two connected more passionately than either of them could describe. However, one day she was gone, and he was forced to face reality and returned to his father the next day.   Within the last year it was made known among the gentry that he and Elizabeth Ron Dolfore were to be betrothed. This decision, to say the least, is rather controversial.
    Date of Birth
    19th of Harvestus
    Year of Birth
    108 F.E. 22 Years old
    Areithos, Ferox.
    Current Residence
    Settledusk, Alloyus.
    Grey blue
    Red blond
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    130 LBS
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations

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