
These trees are cultivated in Elyadès, which makes the most famous brand of liquor out of its fruits. It's a vital part of the local economy with the wood while also being the main reason why people don't forget about the tiny region.   They're also found in the Southern Forest, that doesn't really have exploitations. They're cut for their wood and are mainly located near the shore of the region.


Geology & Geography

These trees are cultivated in Élyadès, which makes the most famous brand of liquor out of its fruits. It's a vital part of the local economy with the wood while also being the main reason why people don't forget about the tiny region.   They're also found in the Southern Forest, that doesn't really have exploitations. They're cut for their wood and are mainly located near the shore of the region.

History & Usage

Cultural Significance and Usage

The main reason for Poigrumiers to be cultivated in Elyadès is their fruits: the poigrumes. They are yellow, round, enveloped in a hard shell that protects a soft and sour body.   The primary usage for poigrumes is alcohol. Since the tree is native and found only on Menicea, foreigners are really curious about it. The liquor made out of them is called Poigrume's liquor and is the most exported ware in Irisport.   Poigrumes are also excellent in cakes and ice creams. Actually, a lot of recipes existed with this fruit before Menicea was discovered, but as the commerce exploded with the liquors, lots of new recipes were invented to satisfy foreigner's curiosity.
Sour, a bit like pear.
The leaves are dark-purple, the fruits are yellow.
Common State


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