
So you think the Malen are old? Tens of thousands of years of history is nothing compared to what came before. Well, admittedly I'm not exactly sure how long those civilizations existed, in fact, we know barely anything about them, but they are old. The Krastux for example have incredibly old temples in the white wastes, from a time when the now arctic wasteland was supposedly a green lush continent. Their language has been found on jewelry and some murals all around Mithra. But there is another old civilization whose language has been found in temples. The ancient civilization known as the Talathl, with their language Talathl, supposedly lived in the northern parts of the Woods of Ell'fyka and even on the island of Chatla. Very few relics still exist from their time, but they are thought to have been living in this area just before the Wood-Malen came to Mithra, maybe even meeting one another. What they looked like and how they spoke, nobody knows. We have very little of them left, the jungle leaves very little for archeologists, but a few temples remain. A few of which don't seem to break down as time goes by. They are made from a weirdly resistant stone that doesn't grind down or break off. Their language is found on some of these temples, and on some necklaces and things. But there still isn't enough to fully translate the language. Some attempts have been made, but most have only come out with theories. Many still need context and then there are things that just don't make sense at all.

Cover image: by Pimenefusarund


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