Qilan of Lavadur
Qilan of Lavadur is a High-Malen mercenary and blademaster who was for a long time, wanted by senator Baerengar and senator Daelifan. These days he enjoys the protection of the League of Doth and does a lot of buisiness with the Warchief of clan Northir.
Qilan was born in Lavadur close by here in the Lower Urneqi Mountains. He grew up, quickly picking up blade skills and making it his sole passion in life. He studied some basics here at Zoria Falls Academy and later went to Triana to learn with some better masters. When he was 1300 or so, he went out to fight in mercenary bands. He fought together with legends like Sanul Stygbrugr and Doraen Redhill. At the end of the third era, he decided to come back to Triana and finally put everything he had learned to the test. However, he never became a Blademaster.Tragedy at Caleton
In the year 359 4E, a group of mercenaries was hired by a Listinian nobleman to find the leader of a band of deserters who had been reaving and pillaging around the countryside. Under the leadership of Unyar the Bear, the band consisted of Qilan, Adriana Redhand, some of the O.P.C. mercs and some other insignificant names. Unbeknownst to Qilan and Adriana however, the man they were hunting was just a common stableboy, who was in love with the daughter of the nobleman. Which sucked since they had been cutting out tongues in the village of Caleton, where he had been hiding out. The leader even went as far as ordering his goons to cut every villagers throat. Before Qilan or Adriana could do anything, it was already too late. He won't admit it, but I know Qilan. He still feels bad about the whole event.
Long dark brown