
Being one of the seven warchiefs of the Clans makes you, together with the other six, the second most influential person in the clans. It's a little more desirable than being Warlord, but to the Wood-Malen it's still a lot more boring than many other jobs one could take.    


A warchief is a leader of one of the seven clans. They make decisions about everything the clan does while only really owing allegiance to the Warlord. A warchief isn't chosen, and the title isn't inherited. You can only become warchief if you kill the current warchief or the current one dies and you either kill all of the other challengers or if you're the only challenger. This sounds like chaos, and I've got to be honest, in many societies this would be chaos with a very strong but usually very dumb idiot at the top. But with the Wood-Malen it works. See nobody really wants to be a warchief. It's a job that requires a lot of boring paperwork and gives you responsibility for a large number of people. There is a saying that most Wood-Malen just want to fuck and fight. Something that is obviously not true, but it does come from a place of truth. Wood-Malen like fighting, improving themselves, learning, and things like that. They also know that there is always someone stronger, faster, or more skilled than you. There is always someone ready to kill you if you fuck up. This is why most malen in the clan will not try to take on a warchief, until that warchief is really fucking up. If you disagree with something your warchief is doing, you will not care and let it be. It's their vision. Even if they make a major decision you don't like, you will most likely let it go. Warchiefs don't cycle that often, and many of them have been in power for quite a while now. It is usually only when a warchief is cruel, stupid, weak, or just flat out crazy that someone will interfere. It is, however, not the case that only this feeling of apathy is what is keeping warchiefs in power. They are all great warriors that could take on almost anyone in the world. But like I said before, there is always someone better.

Cover image: by Pimenefusarund


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