Collatythe Proclamation Document in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Collatythe Proclamation

Llastefan, art by Artbreeder
In a highly dramatic dawn ceremony High Priest Llastefan Trythe, in his role at the Church of Ilvir's most senior priest, made a rare official statement of doctrine. This was recorded in a document called the Collatytha Proclamation, which has been spread among the faithful and clergy of all known Ilviran clerical orders.

Key points in this document

  • The Ivashu, the god Ilvir's creations, are a manifestation of his glory.
  • It is immoral that they are forced to fight and die for human entertainment.
  • The Church disapproves of the Ivashu trade. This is considered slavery.

This proclamation, although generally supported, has created some division in the church and among the faithful. Some clerical orders of Ilvir capture and sell Ivashu to gladiatorial Pamesani arenas. This is done to expose the general population to the glory of Ilvir's creations, but more often, it is to appease worshipers of the evil god Agrik and avoid persecution.

Manuscript, Religious
Authoring Date
30 Peonu 723

Cover image: by Attacus


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