Amorvin, free-willed undead in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Amorvin, free-willed undead

Much of the inspiration and details are derived from Colombia Games.

Amorvin are free-willed undead generally created by a petitioner making a pact with the Demon Myvria the temptress, servant of the god Morgath, giving up their soul for eternal life or 13 half-lives of undeath. The ritual used to gain undeath is Myvria's Kiss although there may be alternatives.

Generally, this pact is made with powerful priests or adherents of the Order of the Lord of Chaos, the occasional necromancer and others who may be destined for power.

Once the pact is complete, the petitioner will feel a chilling dread and but is otherwise unharmed. Once he dies things change, his soul is stripped from his body, and he becomes Amorvin, the free-willed undead. He can then die 13 more times before becoming Gulmorvin, losing his free will as a slave to Morgath. From now on after each death, his body will crumble to dust and reform at a specially prepared crypt or sanctum. If no sanctum is available, the body may reform at a random location shrouded by the Shadow of Bukrai or maybe not at all. After each death, the Amorvin's power grows, and Morgath or his agents may grant him special powers or weapons.

Almorvin traits


He no longer needs to sleep, eat, drink or breath and does not age.

He gains Devil's Sight to 60ft.

He takes no damage from Necrotic energy, is resistant to Cold and Psychic damage.

He is immune to Poison and the Poisoned condition.

His alignment is moved 1 step to Chaotic Evil if not already after each death.

After the 3rd Death

He becomes vulnerable to Radiant Energy and Devil's Sight increases to 120ft.

He is immune to Fear and Cold damage.

After the 5th death

He is now immune to other mind-influencing magic, becomes resistant to non-magical weapons and gains unlimited Devil's Sight.

After the 9th Death

His Armour Class improves by 5 and becomes resistant to all remaining energy types except fire and radiant.

Unfortunately he now blinded by sunlight.

After the 11th Level

He gains fast healing at the rate of 1 hp per round (except for wounds inflicted by Radiant damage or holy weapons).

Additional Notes

Physical Deterioration

After each death, the body of the Almorvin often look worse for wear and may start to deteriorate. Grievous injuries will appear as minor scars. If an injury was inflicted by a consecrated weapon or radiant energy, wounds will not fully heal. A severe enough wound may even prevent reformation at the sanctum.

Morgaths Gifts

Morgath or his agents may grant the Almorvin a Bukrai Blade, a shadowy weapon which creates a Shadow of Bukrai zone. The chance of this is generally a cumulative 10% per death.

Additionally, the Almorvin may be granted special undead powers. The chance is 30% per death, and the power could be anything from immunity to a specific energy type, a unique ability used by a different kind of undead or an attribute boost.

The Dark Pact

An Almorvin must sacrifice one soul of a sentient creature to Morgaith every month or lose its free will.

Morgath is an unpredictable and occasionally demanding master; he may require a more specific task. This could be to achieve a particular goal in the spread of chaos and destruction or a personal evil such as demanding that the Almorvin sacrifice all remain living kin to him.

Morgath and his agents are not above arranging accidents leading to the Almorvin death hastening the day the 13th death occurs.

Cover image: Undead Header by Attacus


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