Leafengride Village

by ArtisticArmoury


Ivierae: 50%
Demon: 27%
Dark elf: 5%
High elf: 5.5%
Moon elf: 4%
Human: 3%


There is no official government in place in the traditional sense. While they do have an individual designated as the official ruler, this position exists primarily to facilitate easier interactions with neighboring villages as well as with the YFG itself. The role of this ruler is largely symbolic and functional in external relations rather than indicative of any real internal governance power. Within the community, there are no established laws or codified rules dictating how society should be run. Instead, the inhabitants rely on a system of customs, traditions, and mutual understandings to guide their daily lives and resolve conflicts, fostering a sense of cooperation and communal harmony.


It really only has wooden fences as part of defence. They do have a willow tree forest to help hide them.

Industry & Trade

They trade manual labour with neighbouring villages for supplies


Each district is physically divided depending on what job the area is for. There’s three main areas; the food district is called Xorzan Eiph, and it’s where the hunters, gardeners/herbalists, farmers, and chefs live. The second main area is the Zan (health) District, and it’s where nurses, teachers, administrators, and waste management lives. The last district is the Aech (artisan) District where blacksmiths, mechanics, tailors, and artists live.


The village was originally started after Lennon Benoist ran away from home, tired of being bossed around and controlled like a puppet by his grandfather. Having nowhere to go, he turned to the Yati Fae Guild for help. Kyazf at the time as in Fzalder after a latest attempt at escaping the SES, and he helped him build his own home. Quickly though, the two got the idea to start a small village, after realising that many people struggle with abusive families and need somewhere to stay when Elswyth came to them begging for help to escape her transphobic family.
Founding Date
7th of Spriggin, 3659 TEA
Alternative Name(s)
Hippie City
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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