Neo Terran Species in Mirium Dynus | World Anvil
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Neo Terran

The next step in evolution—for some.

Basic Information


All Neo Terrans are artificial, with their bodies consisting entirely of metal and electronics, with varying differences in energy sources depending on their individual and/or custom designs. Although the standard form is of a typical human, usually with the same diversity in coloring, some Neo Terrans have chosen to forgo the norm. Instead of normal arms, some have equipped themselves with tools that would assist them in their normal day-to-day lives or jobs. Broader shoulders and thicker arms, delicate skin, or lighter 'bones', are only examples of the various fluidity their artificial forms could take.

Genetics and Reproduction

Because the bodies of their species are wholly artificial, reproduction only occurs when a new, pre-made body is activated, and a once-human mind woken from the Collective Data Bank. Before a human had given up their biological form to become a Neo, they are given a series of tests, questions, and forms to fill out in order to allow for even a small degree of customization. Although there was a standard, money allowed for a more expansive and custom individuality.   Population control is strict, however. Usually if a person is being Rebirthed, as they say, then it means that another is being put back into the Data Bank. Very rarely will there be a mass Rebirthing, and only in the face of a great population shift from one planet to another.

Ecology and Habitats

Each Neo could have additions installed in order to adapt to any environment. As an example: for a world underwater, mechanical filters could cleanse water that could pass through a Neo's body. They could forgo traditional legs for fins, normal, flexible fingers for webbed ones. Others could be fitted with wings or some sort of propulsion to combat the air and gravity. However, all of these examples are extremes, usually used for workers.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

With the general five senses a standard, some Neo Terrans have been equipped with extra layers that form over their eyes, or an internal switch in their programming to allow a deeper perception of the world around them. As a norm, most Neo Terrans have darkvision, seeing in darkness up to 60 ft in front of them as if it were only dim light. Their range of hearing is more acute, but only thus. Touch comes with a sensitivity to extraneous electrical energy fields. Although they can 'eat' and have taste buds to allow for it, it isn't necessary for survival, and is generally dismissed.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Traditionally, Neo Terrans go by the name that they had before their minds, stored as Dataminds, were transferred into their Shell. It is rare that a Neo Terran will forego their old name, but not unheard of—some didn’t have the greatest of lives, and wished to cut off ties to them. However, an old name and a new name is recorded in the Collective Database, so that they could be found if needed.   Names ranged from English to French to Hindi and beyond, taken from all walks on Earth, as all minds originated from there.

Major Organizations

There are four major political factions in Neo Terran society, each consisting of a controlling council whose members change every ten or so years: The Military, controlled by the Command Council; the Intellectuals, controlled by the Felicities; the Wealthy, controlled by the Board of Directors; and the Common Man, who are lead by the group “Switzerland.” Opposing all four of these political factions, there are the True Terrans, consisting of those who were left behind to deal with leaving Earth on their own due to lack of resources.

Beauty Ideals

Generally accepted as an ideal of beauty is the symmetry of face and body, and at the very least humanoid in face. The specifics, however, vary among each ethnicity, ranging from extreme to completely non-descript.

Gender Ideals

While most accept the pronoun “they” as a form of address, and other pronouns are respected (including neo pronouns), gender is a concept that isn't reliant in a form that can simply be changed with no issue.

Courtship Ideals

The first rule of courtship for any Neo Terran is the respect of the culture that a partner is from. While not common, it’s more on the rarer scale that two Neo Terrans from different planets would court, unless those two are on or from Centauri, where such openness is frequent. The most common pairings are found there; the second being between Intellects and DeLuxs, who trade quite often.

Average Technological Level

All of Neo Terran’s technology is specifically made to be clean and streamlined in order to cause minimal impact to the planets they inhabit. Their technology consist of solar, wind, and low amounts of hydro power as their sources.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most Diadem companies speak Terran Trade Standard as the norm, which is based on English. However, many of the main Earth languages such as Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Korean, Bengalese, and German are also known and spoken between certain partnerships and all over the planet of Mergha in a mix-mash of language.   The Military speak mostly in Terran Trade Standard.

Common Etiquette Rules

A small bow as a greeting, along with a shaking of hands is usual. Waiting to speak until spoken to when among those higher in the hierarchy is shown all across Neo Terran society.

Common Dress Code

On Mergha, robes or dress shirts, pants, or skirts are the dress code. Standard military uniforms are the only clothing that should be worn when on Sharatan. Diadem is usually colorful, flowing fabrics over form-fitting clothing, and Centauri is a mix of all three above.


Originally humans, or Terrans, from Earth, Neo Terrans left their planet behind after they realized that there was nothing more they could do for it, and that their solar system was overpopulated. Along with their planet, they left behind mortality—albeit with a supposed longevity that could last hundreds of years—for a world completely hostile to their organic life. Before leaving Earth, a mass transfer of organic peoples into inorganic shells happened in a movement called Neo Terranism. While there were a few who refused to give up their biological shell, this transfer was over 87% of the population.   When they managed to get to the Alpha Avior System, they split into four different ethnicities based on their values, how much they paid for their Shells, and how extensive their customization was.
Scientific Name
Neo Andro Sapiens
Related Ethnicities
All Neo Terrans have an I.D. number embedded in the programming of their Shell, where they can wave a hand over a scanner to be identified. This I.D. number helps them be matched to their Datamind during rebirth.

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