Wet Verti in Mirateia | World Anvil

Wet Verti

The Verti is a mythical bird that is said to live in the area around Pearlhal. Over the years, there have been countless sightings of things that people believe to be the Verti. Although the most common description of the Verti is that of a bird like shape, there are sightings that report of it having a shape more like a Hybura but smaller.   The Verti is generally believed to be seen near bodies of water, but nobody has ever gotten a solid look at it. It has always been like out of the side of one's eye or through thick fog, and when someone decides to investigate further, the search always ends up empty, or they might find tracks from other animals.     This belief in the ability of the Verti to disappear near bodies of water has led to the belief among the local population that the Verti, whenever people spot it, will disappear into the nearest body of water and hide under the surface of the water.   One variant to that belief was that one should not stay around the place where a Verti have been seen as if one did that, that would put the Verti at risk of drowning, and it the belief of the locals that hurting a Verti might result in something bad happening to oneself or one's community.    As no one has ever seen a Verti proper, Scholars have so far concluded that the Verti must be a figment of the imagination of the common people and that the idea of the Verti has been over the years combined with accidents and similar things happening to those that believe in having seen the Verti. This makes the Verti a unique thing as most creatures that cause accidents to people have been observed and even caught from time to time, but no one has ever properly seen the Verti.


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Oct 13, 2023 12:49 by Dimitris Havlidis

I approve

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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Oct 13, 2023 12:59

Thank you :o

Oct 13, 2023 18:56 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ooo, intriguing. I hope they don't accidentally drown because people. :(

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet