Character background in Midrast Wain | World Anvil
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Character background

Once you select your Character race, choose one of the below backgrounds for your character and update their Characteristics in the Character Sheet. Be advised, choose the one background that resonates with you the most, rather than rely on statistics and perceived power. The most important value to decide here is if you will have fun roleplaying your character with this background.
The word of the Maker
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Peacekeeper, Protector and Soldier. All these words can be used to describe those that follow the path of Clawstoppers. Harsh discipline, raw combat prowess, authority, zealous pursuit of law and investigating crimes in hopes of finding the culprit and bringing them to justice. If these words ring true with you, then perhaps you should become a Clawstopper.
The Old Mother.
  -1 Memory, -1 Deception, -1 Fate, +1 Strength, +1 Resistance, +1 Intimidation, +2 Combat.   Proficiency: Choose any weapon. You start with a base weapon of your choice.   Passive:
Frightening presence - Once per Encounter may turn an enemy attack into failure.   Action:
Intimidating roar - All enemies roll Fate check against your Intimidation + 8. On fail, enemies get Deafened status and repeat the roll at the end of their turn until they succeed. Can be used once per Encounter.  


Messanger, Carrier, News-bringer. All these words can be used to describe those that follow the path of a Courier. Are you timely, exceptionally fast and with impeccable memory? You may be relied upon with messages that will be mundane love letters as well as sealed scrolls upon which the survival of an entire tribe will depend upon. If these words ring true with you, then perhaps you should become a Courier.
The Old Mother.
  -1 Instinct. -1 Resistance, +1 Flying, +1 Running, +1 Swimming, +2 Memory.   You start with a base weapon of your choice or with Courier's supplies.   Passive: Fast recovery - Their exceptional endurance allows them to recover from exhaustion effects twice as fast. One day of rest eliminates an exhaustion point.
Pathfinder - it takes a free action to transfer between any Environment that would normally take an action. Doesn't apply to actions that deal Combat Damage.  


Slayer, Tracker, Trapper. All these words can be used to describe those that follow the path of a Hunter. For none of us are as close to nature and the ancient ways of our life as these noble dragons. Whether they are out to bring us food and hides or hunt more dangerous game, it would be foolish to undersell their skill, knowledge of the way of beasts and fearlessness in face of danger. If these words ring true with you, then perhaps you should become a Hunter.
The Old Mother.
  -1 Persuasion, -1 Strength, +1 Running +1 Craftiness, +1 Stealth, +2 Instinct.   Proficiency: Spears or Flutes or Throwing weapons. You start with any base weapon of your choice.   Passive One with nature - Hunters may choose any Aspect tattoo and get its bonuses x2. You may not get any other Aspect tattoos. All ability checks and actions in regards to hunting or fighting animal of your Aspect are rolled with advantage.  

Ember wielder

Blood mages, Warlocks, Hypnomancers. All these words can be used to describe those that tie their soul to the alien artifact known as Ember. Yes, I heard about them. Our lands are besieged by a group of self-righteous gryphons who wield this supernatural power. If the rumors are true, they can conjure flames, miraculously mend grievous wounds, and field terrifying curses... The emergence of Ember wielders and their sudden desire to break our homes apart is likely not a coincidence, but I fear they might succeed if we do not find a way to harness this power ourselves. If you are brave enough, then perhaps you too should seek to become an Ember wielder.
The Old Mother.
  -1 Running, -1 Resistance, +1 Memory, +1 Wisdom, +1 Intimidation, +2 Fate.   Passive Fool's curse - When using any of your Ember abilities, your eyes will gain an unnatural glow. You may learn any Ember Wielder Arcanas. You start with 2 Ember abilities + Fool's Curse. When you obtain additional shards of Ember, you will learn additional powers.  


Builder, Cleaner, Companion. All these words can be used to describe those that follow the path of a Servant. We all serve someone, but only Servants hold their title proudly in their name. They are the silent listeners, the presence that is overlooked but still exists and influences the world from within. We may not see them as important, but their tasks make the world go around, and their subtle words sway the opinion of Queens and Nobles. If these words ring true with you, then perhaps you should become a Servant.
The Old Mother.
  -1 Wisdom, -1 Intimidation, +1 Persuasion, +1 Stealth, +1 Fate, +2 Strength.   Knows where everyone in home tribe lives and knows their habits. You start with any base weapon of your choice.   Passive Vengeance - you start Encounter Inspired when fighting against your tribe members.  


Farmer, Scientist, Alchemist. All these words can be used to describe those that follow the path of a Greencarer. We all get our food in our bowls thanks to them. Without them, we would starve and wither. They grow our crops and brew our beverages, make the weak strong and prepare the most delicious food with meats, spices, fruits and vegetables. Yet their exploits go far beyond the realm of food and explore the boundaries of what we thought is possible. If these words ring true with you, then perhaps you should become a Greencarer.
The Old Mother.
  -1 Running, -1 Fate, +1 Strength, +1 Craftiness, +1 Stealth, +2 Wisdom.   Proficiency: Throwing weapons   You get to know an additional language actively.   Rolls with advantage on all checks made against plants. All cooking and brewing Craftiness rolls are done with advantage. You can use the pouch of salts as a special action and you start with this item.  


Spy, Explorer, Rogue. All these words can be used to describe those that follow the path of a Scout. Information is key. Key to survival, key to growth, key to defeating the enemy. The best scouts are those that are never seen but perceive everything themselves. You may be sent to places where no-one has ever returned from and see things never seen before. If these words ring true with you, then perhaps you should become a Scout
The Old Mother.
  -1 Strength, -1 Combat, +1 Flying, +1 Instinct, +1 Memory, +2 Stealth.   Proficiency: Spikes. You start with base Spike weapon.   Actions:
Free action
- May only be used if there are more allies than enemies. Gain Stealth +8 DC. Two highest Instinct enemies roll to see your character. If you succeed, gain Stealth until your next action.  


Healer, Doctor, Apothecary. All these words can be used to describe those that follow the path of a Wingbinders. Ah, but you know what I do, don't you? Would you like to follow in my footsteps and help me take care of the sick? Be it malady of the body or of the mind. Soothe the pain, stop bleeding, set broken bones but most importantly, you must understand that sometimes you must hurt your patients more to make them feel much better later. If these words ring true with you, then perhaps you too should become a Wingbinder.
The Old Mother.
  -1 Combat, -1 Stealth, +1 Persuasion, +1 Craftiness, +1 Deception, +2 Resistance.   Proficiency: Flute. You start with Flute and three darts that cost up to a total of 5 gems   Passive
Wingbinder Can raise unconscious allies after Encounter to -2 Scratch points.   Can revive dead characters after Encounter if 1d20 Crafiness roll is higher than the dead one's current Scratch points. Multiple Wingbinders make this roll with advantage.  


Prince, Princess, Advisor. All these words can be used to describe those that follow the path of a Noble. It is also your who father is. And whom he wants you to be as well. Me? Well, I am not much for politics, this is about you. You may be the one who will influence the lives of many, and the one who could potentially even lead the tribe itself - should you prove to be worthy. If these words ring true with you, then perhaps you should become a Noble.
The Old Mother.
  -1 Instinct, -1 Swimming, -1 SP, +1 Wisdom, +2 Persuasion, +2 Deception.   Proficiency: Slicer. You start with base Slicer.   You may only regenerate Scratch points at dusk by eating meat, but you regain 3 scratch points more. Your royal birth allows you limited power over your subordinates. Doesn't work on other Nobles, Leaders or Masters of their craft.  

Wild dragon

  Proficiency: Third claws or Slicer. You start with a base weapon of your choice.  
Savage, Barbarian, Nomad. All these words can be used to describe those that follow the path of the Wilds. I have little affection for these uncultured dragons, their ancestors traded their civility for freedom and now they are slowly falling prey to the Witless beasts out there. Be careful though, for despite their lack of mannerism, they are fierce and relentless. They have to be, after all, they had to rely on nobody but themselves all their life.
The Old Mother.
  -2 Persuasion, -2 SP, -1 Wisdom, +1 Combat, +1 Stealth, +1 Resistance, +1 Fate, +2 Intimidation.   You have no home tribe. You start with one Artistic or Aspect tattoo worth 40 gems    


Craftsman, Merchant, Trader. All these words can be used to describe those that follow the path of a Purveyor. You may put ten Purveyors into a single line and be certain that each of them will be specializing in something different. Some even say that there are as many Purveyors as there are dragons in the world. Regardless, these proud craftsmen are able to create many different items we use every day, be they bowls and leather pouches or even weapons such as spears. To be a Purveyor means to dedicate your entire life to learning and improvement your craft and never undersell your product. If these words ring true with you, then perhaps you should become a Purveyor.
The Old Mother.
  -1 Memory, -1 Stealth, +1 Persuasion, +1 Swimming, +1 Deception, +2 Craftiness.   You start with an Artificed weapon worth 30 gems or less. Roll on the table of Artifice when you make your character. You are proficient with this weapon type.

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Feb 5, 2019 01:57

I really enjoyed the quotes from the Old Mother!