Servant Profession in Midrast Wain | World Anvil
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Ages ago, we took Servants from those we defeated in battle. Nowadays, dragons themselves choose how to serve us. In a way, nothing changed. They are loyal to us because they believe in the system. If no-one believed in the system, we would be back to seizing Servants by force.
— Yriinth Tonitruum, Air dragon Advisor



Generally none, although some specific types of Servants may require great strength - for builders, charm and attractiveness - for companions or reliability and attentiveness - for nestmaids.

Career Progression

The standard steps of Apprentice - Junior - Senior - Master are applied where needed, but not all types of Servants may have a Master's title assigned to them. Seniority tends to be rewarded with more of a supervisory role rather than one requiring physical exertion and also better reimbursement.

Payment & Reimbursement

Servants are by far the least financially attractive role out of all the ones available for dragon and gryphonkind, ranging between 1-2 gems on average per day of work. The pay tends to be higher for more physically demanding or skill dependent types of Servants - such as companions, builders, stonecutters etc...

Other Benefits

The best benefit of being a servant is the relative ease of finding work as one. Most tribes almost always welcome one willing to help as a Servant for relatively cheap price and it can also be an effective side-job for those whose skills are currently not needed - a Hunter for example may during the month of Freezan double as Servant if the food-stocks are full and well-preserved for the cold days ahead.



An all-purpose workforce that maintains the stable functioning of all the basic facilities within a city/town or tribe, refilling wood stocks, working stone, expanding caves, building dwellings, lighting fires, helping with child-care or attending to those in need of companionship. Servants are dragons and gryphons doing the hard physical jobs so that the others don't have to.

Social Status

Being a Servant is in no way considered a great social achievement and so many hope for their work to elevate them higher, which generally means attract the right kind of attention. To become a wealthy noble's or tribe leader's personal assistant, that is one way to increase one's own social status and prove how good they are at their job. That being said, such a feat is impossible for everyone to achieve, and many may never live long enough to get offered such a chance.   Also while some societies and tribes may care less about social status, it is almost impossible for a Servant to be invited into a noble family as a mate for a noble, at least, not without some social issues that the pair would have to overcome.




Servants have been around for as long as history is being written. And while in the long past they have been called "slaves" and were generally taken as tributes from battles or wars, nowadays Servants are a profession of their own, that slowly evolved from the necessity to further develop specific skillsets of its own.   It was no longer desired to have unwilling slaves rebelling at the worst of times, instead, knowledge of how to efficiently cut down wood, assist in the preparation for festivals and build dwellings or habitats became far more important. And while the reimbursement for such work is in many places still considered too low for comfort, some tribes and towns have increased the minimum wage to attract more workforce in times of need for greater manpower.


Dangers & Hazards

Suffice to say, hazards are present in some aspects of Servant's work, yet generally are only mildly threatening. At worst, one can suffer an injury should they work without necessary precautions, but these are rarely serious.
Alternative Names
Builders, Cleaners, Helpers, Assistants, Servers, Stonecutters, Woodchippers, Companions, Animal Handlers and many others...
Public Services
Demand for Servants is average, generally influenced heavily by race, terrain, and tribe in question.


Servants are one of the very professions that tends to not obtain any tattoos when they reach Seniority in their line of work. If one does not wear a tattoo on their left shoulder, it is fairly safe to assume they either do not work at all or are Servants. Exceptions may include Servants working for Nobles, who upon reaching seniority are marked with the tattoo of the noble family they work for.

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