Cericor Hospital

Cericor Hospital is known across all of Alézun'Teran to be one of the best locals of medicare that exists.
Located in Varldstan Cericor, it is a Blank Space Location has stood for so long that no substantial surviving records exist of its construction.  
— The Unofficial Guide
to Varldstan Cericor.


"Just be careful not to sting yourself on the thorns there...  
— Unknown.
A wast building complex four stories tall and with an undisclosed amount of subterranean levels. It is built out of yellow-red sandstone that looks like it has grown from the ground itself, which very well might be the case.
The sliding windows are broad and high and are fitted with stained, crystalline glass that vaguely glows a soft blue during nighttime. They can be opened
The outer section of the ground level is an o open gallery, supported by thick pillars. Each pillar is inlaid with exotic silver-colored patterns that give off a white shimmer during the dead of night, though at a greater distance this shimmer appears vaguely white-blue. Every third pillar is also covered in thorny crystalline vines that gleam with a faint crimson glow.  
— The Unofficial Guide
to Varldstan Cericor.

The Work Force & Equipment

Due to a decree made by Architect Himself, everyone is allowed free healthcare, as well as support and protection during their stay. This is something that Cericor Hospital embodies and as such, has well-educated doctors, state-of-the-art equipment, and a most well-trained security force.  
— The Unofficial Guide
to Varldstan Cericor.

The Doctors

"I have seen so many strange things people have contracted, that few things surprise me anymore...  
— Unknown.
Cericor has one of the most well-trained, experienced and adaptable hospital staff in Alézun'Teran. This is critically important as they have to deal with enigmatic diseases, afflictions, curses, exotic poisons and venoms, and various physical ailments, along with wounds both severe and none-lethal of both a mundane and supernatural kind.  
— The Unofficial Guide
to Varldstan Cericor.
The Freelanced Healers
"If I have these magical capabilities I might as well put them to good use...  
— Unknown.
Any who wish to give aid to those who need and have the capabilities to do so are welcome to the Cericor Hospital, though in most matters a license is needed, be it temporary or long-lasting. It should be noted that these freelancers do get paid an amount that reflects their work, and they are overseen by at least one of the hospital's security staff.
The arguably most common type of healer that does freelance work at the hospital, is Corporialists, due to their unmatched specialty in the physical body.  
— The Unofficial Guide
to Varldstan Cericor.

Hospital Security

"Do not try and pick a fight with the Hospital Security. Believe me, when I tell you, they are not to be trifled with. Heck, I am not even sure they are fully mortal...  
— Unknown.
Due to the nature of some of the hospitalized and the apparent target that the hospital signifies, it will most likely not come as a surprise that it has its own private security force. A well-trained security force that most underestimate; one that goes by the colloquial name of the Maltohn Guard.
While there are those hospitalized who have their own bodyguards, the common man does not have such luxury. This is where the Malthohn Guard steps in. While they mainly act as general protectors of the whole of the Hospital, if one patient is considered either to be of a considerable threat or to be threatened by an outside party, then Maltohn Guards will watch over them.
It should also be noted that each and every Maltohn Guard is trained in first and basic surgery, with some few being former doctors or freelance healers.  
— The Unofficial Guide
to Varldstan Cericor.
The Freelanced Protectors
"I have a gun, I look intimidating and I want some coin. I may as well stand and look the part of someone not to mess with so that those who are hurt can sleep peacefully during nighttime.  
— Unknown.
While the Hospital does have the Maltohn Guard, so-called freelanced protectors are welcomed. They need to have a long-lasting license as well, have positive credentials, and can only receive a guard position on the first three stories of the building complex. Most keep a look-out on the ground-floor gallery, such as near the entrances.  
— The Unofficial Guide
to Varldstan Cericor.

Hospital Technology

"I wish tech like this would be more readily used outside the hospital. But I guess the fear of the Chyper Demons and the tech connected to them make it a bit unnerving to utilize a scanner capable of noticing if one has internal bleeding or broken ribs...  
— Unknown.
The Cericor Hospital has one of the most highly technological equipment in Alézun'Teran. Comparable to Chyper Technology it may make some unnerved, but it is also what allows the Hospital to treat so many strange and severe cases.  
— The Unofficial Guide
to Varldstan Cericor.
Blank Space.
Protected by
Maltohn Guard.
Overseen by
The Vitralsha.
Located In
Varldstan Cericor.
Known Freelanced Healers
Apteron Arratay.
Dhelian Lethea.
Known Freelanced Protectors
Odin Cayain.
Evelyn Arcasai.


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