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House Mardoram


House Mardoram is among the most powerful noble families of Huran. Both well-liked and influential, they have a rather unique position in the Hurani court, perhaps matched only by House Asperan. Surprisingly, however, despite being related to the Imperial family, House Mardoram plays a smaller role in politics than their Asperan rivals, as the majority of the family's members choose not to focus on politics. Seen by many as a foolish stance, the head of House Mardoram nevertheless prefers to allow his family to choose their own paths, which has ended up with a surprising number of Mardorams in the academic community. As a result, Mardorams are known for being carefree, passionate, studious, and charismatic.


Among the Hurani court, the Mardorams are considered moderates. They support granting more rights to the rest of the Empire's nations and allowing them higher positions in the government and military so that they can prove their loyalty to the Empire. Rather than oppress them and increase their resentment, the Mardorams believe that it's wiser to allow them to participate and hold important roles within their own countries so that they feel grateful instead and remain loyal.


The Mardorams are firmly allied with the imperial family of Huran. Their loyalty to the Emperor has earned them a significant amount of favor over the years, and most of Huran's upper class views House Mardoram as the head of the loyalist faction, which includes several other major noble houses, such as House Kapal.

House Mardoram is also closely aligned with the Tuolan Academy and Huran's scholarly circles. Indeed, the majority of Mardoram are involved with the Academy in one way or another.

House Mardoram is engaging in a centuries-long feud with House Asperan. Over the years, it has become less clear what exactly drives their mutual hatred, but it is now a constant of life in the Hurani court. Both houses will find any excuse to come to blows, although to be fair, they do have a lot to come to blows about- border disputes, ideological and political differences, work rivalry, and so on.
The Mardorams also face opposition from other noble houses that subscribe to the Hurani conservative party's beliefs, such as House Pelen, due to House Mardoram's vocal support for the Emperor's recent policies, which grant the non-Hurani nations of the Empire greater power and autonomy.

Oh, the blood isn't mine! I was just in the room earlier when Setsal Mardoram got offended with that Asperan boy for sneezing in her direction! ...They were at least ten paces apart.
— Kermat Ledis, an innocent bystander


House Mardoram's territory lies west of Tralb, sharing its southern border with House Asperan, a rather unfortunate situation that the Hurani court has been made to regret constantly. To the north, the Mardoram lands are bordered by House Arinset's territory. House Mardoram's land comprises 6 towns, 43 villages, and several smaller settlements, with its most iconic features being the Edor Mountains, as well as Lake Heshi.


  Mardorams value their freedom and individualism. Each member is expected to follow their passion and find their own path, often without the family's guidance. As such, family elders allow their children a surprising amount of freedom, which is quite uncommon among Hurani nobles. This has led to some rather- controversial life choices in the past. The family's 'sink or swim' attitude has also caused many a rift between Mardorams and their parents.
They're a noble, well-respected family! Aside from Kalmon Mardoram. I think he's a carpenter now.
— Mardoram servant, no longer employed

Despite the Mardorams' usual behavior of allowing family members the freedom to choose their own paths, House Mardoram does not compromise when it comes to two things: their loyalty to the Imperial family, and their faith. All members of the family are expected to follow the family head's faith, regardless of their personal desire. As a result, every Mardoram performs at least the very minimum required of a devotee.

Social status

House Mardoram is related to the Imperial family through Helmuk Mardoram, who is married to the second princess. As such, they have a lot of influence in Huran. Indeed, only a few other families, such as the Asperans, can claim the same level of power that the Mardorams enjoy. In addition, the family owns several iron mines and controls the iron trade within Huran, making them crucial to its defense and military. However, that is the extent of their involvement with the military. Instead, House Mardoram's contributions and dedication to furthering the education of Hurani youth has earned them high positions in the Hurani Education Council.

Notable members

Helmuk Mardoram President of Tuolan Academy
Almahen Mardoram Head of the Education Council
Setsal Mardoram* Member of the Education Council
Amon Mardoram Member of the Education Council
Enemon Mardoram Member on the Tuolan Academy Governing Board
Pasnat Mardoram Head of the astronomy department at Tuolan Academy

Political, Family
Parent Organization

Fun facts about House Mardoram
  • On average, Nini Mardoram participates in approximately 130 fights with House Asperan per year.
  • In an example of Mardoram open-mindedness taken to the extreme, Kalmon Mardoram has abandoned Huran's upper class circles and dedicated himself to a life of carpentry.
  • 2 out of 3 Mardorams have either mommy or daddy issues. Or both.
  • The family head's younger brother, Shalham Mardoram, was nominated for the title of Huran's Worst Artist four times before he gave up and changed careers. He now teaches art history at Tuolan Academy.
  • The previous head of the family did not die, but instead stepped down to go travelling the rest of the continent, leaving his son to lead.

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