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Hurani Conservative Party

Huran's Conservative Party consists of those nobles and officials that believe in the preservation of Hurani culture and sovereignty over the rest of the Empire. They are a vast and powerful faction within the Hurani court, with major influence over the Empire's culture and politics.


In the cultural sense, the Conservative Party supports the adoption of Hurani culture throughout all of the Empire, including customs, traditions, and even language. Politically, they oppose the Emperor's lax policies regarding relations with Notar and Yatham and seek a return to the firmly conservative attitudes of the early Empire. Although they are united in their belief in the dominance of Huran, the conservatives are divided into several smaller factions.
On one extreme end, radical Hurani supremacists are a faction that believe in the utter superiority of the Hurani over the rest of the Empire. Rather than a focus on only conserving the power and prominence of Huran, they also believe in keeping Notar and Yatham firmly under heel, with policies that favour the Hurani in terms of resources, trade, and benefits. The most prominent proponents of this faction are the Vizier and his supporters, such as House Pelen.
The isolationist faction, on the other hand, advocates a complete cultural separation of Huran from the rest of the Empire. In an attempt to avoid the decline and degeneration of Hurani culture, they prefer to completely remove outside influences from Notar and Yatham. This stance has gained a significant amount of support in recent years due to the increasing advancement of foreign cultures, particularly Notari, within Huran.
Other nobles take more moderate stances along this spectrum, such as most members of House Asperan, who favour a more practical solution than complete oppression or separation and mistrust the promises of the Vizier. House Nerimi also holds a moderate view, hoping for the promotion and preservation of Hurani culture without alienating the rest of the Empire.

Public Agenda

Although the Empire has stood for hundreds of years, it is now experiencing a decline. Recent struggles in Huran, both socio-political and economic, fuel the Hurani conservatives and call for a return to the earlier policies that built the foundation of the Empire's strength in the first place. The Conservative Party hopes for the revival of Huran's golden age, in place of the ongoing slow death of its culture and influence. They criticise the Emperor's attitude towards the non-Hurani members of the Empire and demand that he prioritise the welfare and prosperity of Huran above all others. This political stance has gained a lot of traction and support from the lower classes in response to the struggles they are currently facing, as conservatives promise to realise their goals of improving the lives and well-being of all their people.
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