Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Master Mage, Lord, The Arcane Advisor Of The Moondancer Court Izil'daerryn Frozenheart (a.k.a. Daerryn)

Izil'daerryn is a sorcerer from The House Frozenheart in Zaetron Derraz.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In shape and well-groomed. Agile, not overly muscular.

Body Features

Small grey-ish iridescent, translucent scales, which do not stand out that much from his pale grey skin tone. There are more on his shoulders, collarbones, on his sides and hips, i.e. where the skin is thinnest on his upper body.

Facial Features

Beautiful and sharp blue eyes, handsome features.

Identifying Characteristics

He has small iridescent scales on parts of his skin (see body features).

Special abilities

He is a talented sorcerer and very charismatic.

Apparel & Accessories

Uses colors, but always wears them in fitting way.

All shades of blue, black, white, wine-red and metallic colors (mainly gold and silver).

His arcane focus is a pale blue sapphire gold ring, which seems quite modest compared to his usually flashy clothing style.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Izil'Dearryn was born in Zaetron Derraz in 29th of Jul, year 3745 AoS.


Pansexual, but tends to lean towards females for convenience's sake, as it is the only accepted way for a drow man to identify himself. That doesn't mean that he wouldn't have had fun with men and others alike...


He was mainly schooled by his mother from very early on, mainly because when he was younger he was picky about who to listen to. That trait has stayed, but not as openly on the surface. Due to having never been taught by another sorcerer he does look into the arcane arts through quite a wizard-like lense.


He works for the family, but is also an Arcane Council approved magic tutor for those who have money and name to afford his services.

Mental Trauma

He has been taught to hide his skills by his late mother, and that he has done well. A male sorcerer with too much power in his hands is quickly considered as a threat by most high-ranking females.

This concealment of his own powers and capabilities has led him to fear the loss of control the most. He is mentally very strict to himself, and even the slightest straying from the path of not showing feelings and powers makes him anxious. His mask has broken only a handful of times in his life, but those times have made him deeply abhorred of his emotional self; to see himself as an ugly commoner, which is the most dreaded thing for this handsome nobleman. He is scared of himself, and not drowning in a useless self-pity way, but he has had no courage or any possibilities to that matter, to confront his inner self and his true powers.

Personality Characteristics


His motivation is to find the perfect place for himself, where he can be content and express himself freely. The current situation with his family annoys him: he thinks the rest of the family doesn't appreciate his skills enough and he is confident he would make it better elsewhere. But to find a place for himself, especially now that he is already on the older side for a drow man to marry, would not be as easy as in his youth.

Vices & Personality flaws

izil'daerryn can be quite selfish and dramatic at times, and true to the family name, when he acts all cold and distant. But under that hard protecting surface of ice lies a caring, softer side of him.


Very clean and he keeps himself almost meticulously groomed. He loves braids in his hair and wants to be sure he smells good.


Contacts & Relations

Old childhood friends and ex-lovers with Calthel Nethersong.   Friends with Nilonim Spiderbane (née Nightfang) and Raengel Dragonbloom (née Spiderbane).   Friens with Benefits with Sszinraum Fullvoid.

Family Ties

He adored his late mother Yasstiniara Frozenheart and looked up to his oldest brother Tebrakyrr Shadowblade. He is in good terms with his younger older brother Omarral Hailsoar.

His relationship with his sisters Gaussara, Zesstralin and Dris'shalee (the ones who are still alive unlike Chess'breena) is currently strained because he feels they just want to keep him around as a convenient babysitter.

Religious Views

He was raised in an Eilistreean household, but he doesn't hold any strong afflictions towards the Dark Dancer. Instead, in his boyhood he used to be a closeted Vharaunite. Nowadays he thinks Vhaeraun is too rebellious and harsh a God, who hasn't make enough process with his rebellion, so instead of the Masked Lord he is more drawn to Keptolo, whose Hedonistic and more subtle ways of influencing people echo better with older Izil'daerryn.

Social Aptitude

Extremely charismatic and flirtatious. He thrives in growds and adores parties and all kinds of get-togethers. Daerryn also likes to hook up with different partners and is also a good lover and a faithful friend, if you're on his good side.


He has a charming smile which has swept many a person off their feet. He knows the right tones for the right situations and can behave in the perfect way. A faux pas is never an issue with him.

Hobbies & Pets

He has an old male fairy dragon named Taral as a pet.
He has two personal servants: maleservant Ghorrith with whom he is close with and a younger woman called Seldstra.


His voice is dark like the dark chocolate or the tunnels of Underdark, and as soft as wine-red suede, and as sweet as the oldest mushroom wine. He's also a fairly good singer.


Zaknafein Mightshard

Former student

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Former magic tutor

Towards Zaknafein Mightshard


Alauneyl Farkiller


Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Towards Alauneyl Farkiller

Sszinraum Fullvoid

Friend with benefits

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Friend with benefits

Towards Sszinraum Fullvoid


Brizinil'thrae Nightfang

2nd child, 2nd daughter

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Towards Brizinil'thrae Nightfang


Akorinil'wae Nightfang

1st child, 1st daughter

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Towards Akorinil'wae Nightfang


Nymgloth Frozenheart

Sister's husband, ally

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Wife's brother, ally

Towards Nymgloth Frozenheart


Hurzeth Frozenheart

Nephew, student

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Uncle, teacher

Towards Hurzeth Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Younger brother

Towards Tebrakyrr Shadowblade


Tebrakyrr Shadowblade

Older brother

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Calthel Screamhunter

Friend, ex-lover

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Friend, ex-lover

Towards Calthel Screamhunter


Dris'shalee Frozenheart

Younger sister

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Older brother

Towards Dris'shalee Frozenheart


Omarral Hailsoar

Older brother

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Younger brother

Towards Omarral Hailsoar


Zesstralin Frozenheart

Older sister

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Younger brother

Towards Zesstralin Frozenheart


Chess'breena Frozenheart

Older sister

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Younger brother

Towards Chess'breena Frozenheart


Yasstiniara Frozenheart


Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

6th child, 3rd son

Towards Yasstiniara Frozenheart


Nilonim Spiderbane


Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Towards Nilonim Spiderbane


Gaussara Frozenheart

Older sister

Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart

Younger brother

Towards Gaussara Frozenheart


Zebeyana Nightfang


Towards Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Izil'daerryn Frozenheart


Towards Zebeyana Nightfang


A frustrated male sorcerer from the House Frozenheart in search of the best way to make his life better.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
3745 AoS 302 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Zebeyana Nightfang (Ex-fiance)
Tebrakyrr Shadowblade (Older brother)
Dris'shalee Frozenheart (Younger sister)
Omarral Hailsoar (Older brother)
Zesstralin Frozenheart (Older sister)
Chess'breena Frozenheart (Older sister)
Gaussara Frozenheart (Older sister)
Current Residence
Pale icy blue
White and long, yet slightly curly, especially when wet.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light medium grey
173 cm
59 kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elvish, Common, Infernal, Draconic.
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Short stories!

To further enjoy Izil'Daerryn's adventures and ponderings, visit The Ice Prince!


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