Back home with the Beetle Prose in Melyria | World Anvil

Back home with the Beetle

Rikica's steps were fast and steady, his eyes on the beetle box on top of the book. His head felt fuzzy like he would have been drinking a full bottle of wine, but at the same time, he didn't feel drunk.

He almost bumped into a passerby, muttering apologies as he sprinted out towards the familiar form of the palace right beside the Council Plaza.

Guards watched behind him as he walked briskly through the gates, nodding to them absentmindedly as he went. He hoped his mother would be too busy to question him before he would have cleared his head, and simply happy to know he wasn't dead, so he would be ready for it. He greeted a servant, making sure they would inform his mother that he was home, and he was trying to jolt towards his bedroom before he was spotted.

That was in vain, though. As he saw the regal figure in red on the corner of his eye, he tried to just walk faster, hoping sister wouldn't be bothered, but of course, she was.

"Rikica." It was a demand for attention.

Rikica took a deep breath. "Yes. Aren't you busy to see the shop?" His answer was blunt, but it didn't seem to be enough to make Bae'tharastra storm off, but a stupid sister would follow him like a hunting lizard would follow a fly.

"I have a moment", Bae'tharastra replied with that irritatingly cold tone she had when she got too curious or simply wanted for something. "Arriving home after breakfast?"

"My sister is a keen observer."

"Mother was disappointed not to see you at dinner last night, Silverblades popped by." Her eyes were scanning at him so thoroughly it almost froze his skin.

"Well if we had a dinner she needed me to take part in, she should have told me so beforehand", Rikica replied arrogantly, not letting sister see if he was nervous. He opened the door to his room, hoping sister would take the hint and leave him to be, but no, little sisters have no respect and all sisters are terribly nosey, so she stayed at the door, calmly watching him go.

"Is that how you are going to put it to mother?" Bae'tharastra's voice was like an icy pool.

"No. That's how I'm putting it to you."

"It's not like you to miss the dinner", Bae'tharastra continued, dodging the hook. "Be late, certainly, but miss entirely? Not what I'd expect. What's in the box?" She seemed way too invested in this.

"I'm pretty sure the shop won't open itself", Rikica pointed out, sat on his bed, looked around, and carefully opened the box. The colorful, dinner-plate-sized beetle froze for a second and then started to test the air with its antennae. He used the moment to slip the book on the side table until he'd get to put it in better safe - sister wouldn't notice, she was already staring at his pet. "Malafae is having a day off, am I correct?"

"I think miss Redtalon can handle herself for a moment", Bae'tharastra ensured. Dammit, Rikica pondered, the Redtalon girl! Hopefully she wasn't friendly enough with any of his sisters to tell her anything about her free time. "A beetle? Did you waste your night catching beetles?"

Knowing that tone of voice, Rikica knew he would need to give out something. He was still not sure what to think of the whole episode, but if he wouldn't give the beetle some value and meaning, it might be gone after the day. "It was a gift." he laid his hand on the shiny shell protectively, focusing on the deep green color, but stupid sister wouldn't understand to leave him be. No, she stepped in and her very tall yet slender frame would tower him, as she gave him glares with her fancy hair and layers upon layers of red silks.

"Gift from whom?"

Rikica had to ponder for an answer. "From a friend", he settled with. Ally. Important enough, yet not too revealing.

"A friend? I'm surprised you even have any at this point", Bae'tharastra huffed. Then she stopped and frowned. With a quick yanking on the collar, he tugged Rikica closer to inspect the back on his neck. "My goodness,'' she uttered. "Is that lipstick on your skin?"

Rikica jolted and instinctively grabbed his sister's wrist, sparks of electricity escaping from his fingertips. Bae'tharastra hissed and made him got a whack that made his ears ring.

"Oh don't you dare", Bae'tharastra reminded him with low, dangerous voice, but apparently, she was getting tired of this and simply thrust him on the floor before leaving, huffing as she went.

Rikica didn't really mind, but the box had dropped to the floor and poor beetle with it. Luckily, beetles were hardy critters, yet creature seemed frustrated as it had landed on it's back and was moving all it's 6 feet to get them back to the ground. Rikica reached for the beetle and helped it back to its feet.

Want to give it a name?

Rikica watched the creature, pondering. Names have great power, after all. Maybe this would have too?


He tried how it felt. Beetle, as one would expect, didn't really reply to it. Well. Let see if it sticks.

Let's see if she sticks.

Maybe, if she sticks, then...


This scene was written as an epilogue after one of the game sessions of May'chalithra Palefury. May had taken interest in Rikica'asnet Spiderbane and found out about his fascination of animals and insects in particular, and during a date, she had given the Rikica a beetle. Our talented drow bard protagonist managed to inspire the hard-to-approach wizard NPC to stay with her for the night and in this epilogue piece, Rikica is stumbling back home with his new beetle pet.


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