Deep Structure Wraiths Myth in Megastructure | World Anvil
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Deep Structure Wraiths


There are persistent rumors about creatures living in the depths of the Megastructure which attack exploring ships. The entities, commonly called wraiths, are sometimes described as ancient machines, sometimes as biological, and rarely as supernatural.

Historical Basis

There is no conclusive evidence that there are entities matching any of the common descriptions. The stories are assumed to be based on reports of ships being destroyed during expeditions into the Megastructure, however the shipwrecks in question are believed to have been caused by technical issues and improper modification.  
Only then did it occur to us to look out the window. We'd been at the back of the ship. So we looked out to see if we could spot Veer. And that's when we saw... we saw... I don't even know what to call it. They call them Wraiths but that doesn't sound scary enough to me. It looked like something that shouldn't exist in this world. Imagine if you cut a slice out of a spaceship at a crazy angle and then told someone who's never seen one to figure out how the whole damn thing looks. Except the thing was... writhing. Spaceships aren't supposed to fucking do that.  
Pseudonymous Post on Gate Town AN Message Boards
Telling / Prose
Related Locations

Cover image: by Zhuriel


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