Wraith Prose in Megastructure | World Anvil
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posted 47734.30 by user isawthem12
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  This post was made using KAEC SECRETary voice-to-text FREE edition. To remove this message and unlock more style options, upgrade to PRO edition now!   You people don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Of course they want you to believe the Wraiths don't exist, they need people to go down there to keep the artifacts flowing to keep making money! But I've seen them!   So I used to be a scavenger. You know, fly down the rabbit hole, find some shit that's not bolted down, sell it to the corps to make even more money off or axed to try to figure it out or some rich dude who just wants something expensive to put up in his third house and brag to his friends. The money is good, work is easy but just boring as fuck for the most part.   So one day we were going around the grid in our Scorp. We found an alcove, so pretty good day so far. Veer went out in the suit, everything normal. Was out there for probably an hour or something like that when it happened. Just heard him say "What's that?" on the comm and then went quiet. Me and Kad didn't think much of it at first. Tried getting back in contact but no response. If we had Offworld money we'd have known then and there from suit telemetry or some other fancy shit and whatnot, but if we had Offworld money we sure as hell wouldn't have been down there.   Only then did it occur to us to look out the window. We'd been at the back of the ship. So we looked out to see if we could spot Veer. And that's when we saw... we saw... I don't even know what to call it. They call them Wraiths but that doesn't sound scary enough to me. It looked like something that shouldn't exist in this world. Imagine if you cut a slice out of a spaceship at a crazy angle and then told someone who's never seen one to figure out how the whole damn thing looks. Except the thing was... writhing. Spaceships aren't supposed to fucking do that.   It doesn't sound scary if I describe it like that but fuck me thinking back to it still makes me uncomfortable.   And keep in mind this is way out in the Grid where there's barely even anything at all. It's not a place where you expect to see a spaceship out of nowhere, and sure as hell you're not expecting to see a fucking writhing random spaceship slice reconstruction abomination fucking thing!   Anyway, the thing just kinda sat there. Thing that should not be just hanging out in front of our ship window. Just a normal day in the old Megastructure. We were just frozen in place, me and Kad, floating behind the window separating the sane world and the cosmic horror outside.   And then it disappeared. Just gone. I don't even remember how long it took us to return to our senses, but once we snapped out of it an alarm was blaring. Right side manipulator arm connection lost. Sure enough, it was gone. Sliced clean off. Like, as if it were cut off by one of those tachyon cutters they only let the corps have clean. That Thing somehow sliced clean through layers of space grade structural alloys. What even does that?   It only took us a few minutes to find Veer. Spoiler: he was dead. Looked like a small hole in the front of his suit but when we looked closer the entire right side of his torso was gone inside the suit. How the fuck does that happen? Just cut out a quarter of a man through a tiny hole? Must've been pretty much instant too given how he just stopped talking suddenly. I stay up at night thinking how I live inside the same universe as something that can do that.   So obviously we booked it the hell out of there after that. Sold the Scorp for half of what it's worth at Crossroads and got on the next transport to Gate Town. Haven't seen Kad since we got off that transport. I still have some money left so I'm just trying to find a place to go that's as far as possible from this wretched Megastructure and whatever the fuck is inside it. I hear Oodaar is pretty nice.   If you're thinking of becoming a scavenger or whatever, my advice is just don't. No amount of money is worth the chance of encountering these Things.

Cover image: by Zhuriel


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