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Mastu - Basic Geography

For all of their time alive, the races of Mastu have only known of the one continent on which they reside. It carries all they need, from flora and fauna to metals and ores, and no one has yet sought out another land. This may be due to the unknown nature of the seas, or perhaps the ridiculousness of the idea, but to this day any other lands remain unknown. Mastu is divvied up into 4 territories, one for each of the races. It is them we will discuss today.  
Mastu is the only known land mass in the world, and has been many a time fought over for its resources and space. While the human lands are currently separated into another 5 kingdoms, most races share their's among tribes and cities, with a less structured system.
Text 3, on Mastu   The human lands are separated into 5 kingdoms, each claiming a certain 'biome' as their own. Right now they are on more friendly terms, and trade is prosperous, but during times of war and skirmish these 'one-land' areas prove to be more harmful than good, leading to famine and collapsing houses. In fact, any hostile races will take it upon themselves to attack right after any other wars have finished, knowing this is a time of weakness, especially for humans. This community has also built so-called 'mage towers' dotting the landscape in hopes of teaching their children the ways of spoken magic. With a large, flowing river to their backs, the humans' home takes up the east-most portion of Mastu. It is a diverse landscape, despite the original talk of biomes. From forests to plains to rocky hillsides, the humans have it all.   On to the Slizzarí. Located on the southern-most portion of the map, the Slizzarí lands contain a variety of biomes as well, though they do not have kingdoms. They have opted to take a different standpoint, letting a council rule over them instead. Most Slizzarí also live in tribes, who move across the land. There are three major biomes at play in this area; the grasslands, the swamp, and the forest, each with a corresponding sub-species. While most cities are built in the grassland area, they can be found in any biome, and most are welcome there. Mountains are to the back of the territory, keeping the Slizzarí relatively safe from unwanted visitors or attempted 'sneak attacks'. Now for the Rahk'ka.   The Rahk'ka are a feline race, with their lands being home to only two distinct biomes. These are the mountains and the savannah, and, though trees do dot the latter, this provides them with relatively little wood to build with. Now, of course, they import wood from the other territories to keep their few trade cities in order, but like the Slizzarí, most live in wandering tribes. They generally use stones and whatever wood they can find to pitch animal-hide tents, but most sleep out in the open. The mountains which back the territory provide caves as shelter to those who choose to live there, and it snows regularly. These lands take up most of the eastern part of the map, though the Rahk'kan/Levi'i border is constantly in flux.   Speaking of which, onto the Levi'i. Much of their land consists of forests of all types; there is even a jungle towards the human border. They are a bird-like race, so naturally they live high up in the trees. The Rahk'ka often fight them in hopes of gaining some forested land, but often the Levi'i come out on top, keeping their trees from Rahk'kan claws. Many waterfalls flow from the mountains that surround the territory, which takes up the northern portion of Mastu, providing the Levi'i with a great deal of fresh water sources.   And finally, the Outlands, to which many are sent as a punishment. The Outlands aren't inherently bad, but they have become populated with criminals and outcasts over the years, making living tough. Some do choose to go there freely, however, and their camps can be found all throughout the territory. These lands surround those of all four races, though their natural borders leave them fairly safe from a large onslaught. While primarily forested, the Outlands do have swamps and even a little desert to call their own. These may be treacherous lands, but they do have a sort of beauty to them; perhaps that's why most are content to stay there.

The City of Grace

Founded as a symbol of unity, the city of Grace is home to all races, and is a bountiful hub of trade. It is located at the center of Mastu, where the four territories meet. The population is currently around twenty thousand, though that does not count the stream of traders that enter its walls every day.

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