
"The Dominion grew beyond anything that would ever come after it. It had risen to such heights that it had nothing left but to fall."
A Brief History of Kedizlim
The Dominion, often called the Elven Dominion, was a semi-mythical transcontinental empire which united all elven peoples. The Dominion was supposedly founded upon the creation of the elves as the gods had given them rule over all of Massaolo. The rest of the Dominion's early history is similarly mythologized and most contemporary written accounts of the Dominion were destroyed long ago. It is known that the Dominion was present on Didevon, Kedizlim, Sobjui, and Ikeyanu at its height, withdrawing from the later two locations at an unknown date. What is known is that the Dominion finally fell with the Great invasions in which several large human factions invaded the remaining Dominion holdings and carved out their own kingdoms and empires, bringing about the beginning of the Liberty Era.

Demography and Population

The exact details of the Dominion's demography are unknowable, but it is estimated that the population may have extended into the tens or even hundreds of millions of elves as well as a large number of human slaves.


The Dominion is thought to have covered the vast majority of Massaolo, or at least the Black Ocean region, for most of its existance.

Technological Level

The Dominion is known to have been an advanced society, posessing technology that has not been replicated since its fall, though the full extent of their technological progress is debated and, ultimately, unknowable.


The Dominion Pantheon was the foundation for Tosemuism and all of its sects. The Dominion Pantheon recognized all of the modern Ziela deities and placed a special emphasis of Ziv as their divine ancestor.   Following the destruction of The Phoenix Tower Vumeya suposedly declared herself a demi-goddess and demanded that she be added to the official pantheon of the Dominion, assuring her priests that she would soon achieve full apotheosis as soon as she was able to beat back the humans and reestablish control, it is thus likely that for the last few years of the Dominion's existance Vumeya was also worshiped by at least a sizable portion of the Dominion's surviving population.

Foreign Relations

The Dominion never held traditional diplomatic relations with any other entities during its existance as the only independent polities would be human states which were in perpetual war with the Dominion.

Over the Birds in the Sky, Over the Fish in the Sea, and Over Everything that Lives Upon the Land

Dissolution Date
1 L.E.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Elven Dominion The Elven Kingdoms (late Dominion)
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Official Languages
Related Species


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