Īndī Lūrumānti Character in Massaolo | World Anvil

Īndī Lūrumānti

Aḑīā Īndī (a.k.a. The Prophetess)

"The Widdan, perhaps as a response to the reinvigorated zealotry of their Lakuye rivals, rejected any pretense of worshiping our gods. They followed the sower of discord into mass apostasy."
Common Views on the Divines
Īndī Lūrumānti was a religious and political leader of the Widdan people and founder of the Lūfulā faith.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life
Very little is known definitively about Īndī's early life as the Widda language's writing system was developed during her later life. There are, however many Lūfulā traditions concerning her early life. Īndī was supposedly born to a priestly family of the now extinct Widdan branch of the Tosemuist faith. Īndī was said to be a very inquisitive child, annoying and infuriating her religious instructors for her questioning of Tosemuist doctrine. When Īndī was 13, she received a vision from a being of pure light and goodness. She asked the being which of the Tosemuist gods it was, to which the being replied with a sound like laughter and said 'Fā ba aḑī. Fafla mā ur baa' before vanishing and leaving no trace. Īndī was perplexed by this rely, as all the gods created both good and evil things. Surely none could claim to have created all good things, or to be holiness itself. After a sleepless night, Īndī rushed to her religious instructor and reported the incident, for which she was cruelly beaten for her supposed lie. Frustrated, Īndī settled back into her life, but never again trusted the teachings of her religious instructors, praying in secret to the being which had visited her so long ago.   Four years later, the same being reappeared to Īndī in another vision. The young woman fell on her face before it before it uttered its words. 'Dās ḩih şu dhidaa. Dās bal ba şu şuḑī'. Īndī then uttered the first instance of the Lawībī, the start of all future Lūfulā prayers; 'Fā bal ḩih qī dhidaa. Mār zi far āḑu fā ūz’ ḩi tīw.'. The being then explained to Īndī that it was the god of goodness and light and that humanity needed to turn from their worship of the false elven gods in order to live fulfilling lives and to enjoy eternal bliss in the afterlife. Īndī asked the deity how she could do this, for she was only a young woman, barely over 17 years old. The deity replied that it would be with her so long as she did as it asked of her.
Following her divine mandate, Īndī rose early in the morning after a sleepless night to stand before the people in the market square. She spoke with a loud voice, a voice far louder than any had previously heard. She spoke of her revelation and the misguided path that the Widdan people were following in worshiping the many false gods rather than the one true divine, whom she named Ayīmīflā, meaning 'The most holy.' Upon hearing her words, some came to believe, but many began to decry Īndī as an apostate. Her faith unwavering, Īndī prayed allowed that Ayīmīflā display a sign that her people might believe. Following the prayer's conclusion, Īndī raised her arms to the noon sun, which was swallowed by darkness. "This is what you do." Īndī proclaimed, "The Most Holy grants all good things to you, just as the sun grants its light. But your sin corrupts these blessings. Are you so eager to cling to your ways that you would cut yourself off from the font of life that Ayīmīflā bestows on you freely?" With this sign, the doubters were silenced. The priests cast their sacred amulets upon the ground and ground them into the dust.   Following the conversion of her people, Īndī restored light to the sun and gave thanks to Ayīmīflā. Īndī would go on to lead her people in the worship of The Most Holy as well as politically for the rest of her time in the mortal plane. Lūfulā doctrine holds that Īndī's skill in managing her people so impressed Ayīmīflā that she was elevated to govern the heavens on the divine's behalf when the Widdan had proven ready to keep the faith without her guidance.
193 L.E. 260 L.E. 67 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Unknown, Lūfulā doctrine holds that she ascended to the heavens to rule the cosmos on behalf of Ayīmīflā
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

Cover image: by cattan2011
Character Portrait image: by Artbreeder


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