Haurangi's Mushroom Ride Gauntlet Tradition / Ritual in Manarchy | World Anvil

Haurangi's Mushroom Ride Gauntlet

Haurangi is always eager to propose his gauntlet during our festival. But be wary human, it is not known how the effects on other races than us works. As you can't like us marvel for too long under the sea's bed.
— Pelagos villager


The origin comes from the organiser himself, Haurangi.   During one day, he gathered mushrooms for the seers to investigate their properties, but having been caught too much in his work, he lost his rations during gathering. Hungry, he decided to try some, including a indigo-colored one. This made him experience heightened senses but also a great dizziness. He managed to reach back the village not without many falls and crashes by using the river down. He later decided to try using it again, this time, nobody saw him for three days. When he came back, he came with various curios claiming he heard the winds tell him about riches.   To this day, the mushroom is gathered but not consumed so the seers can remove the toxins and alleviate the effect to make more conservatives but useful potions. However, Haurangi, which is still considered a master gatherer, still keep some raw indigo mushrooms to make some pelagos test their properties in a game. Some pelagos worries of seeing this gauntlet still offered to this day, but considering the luck it can provide on their user, it is mostly tolerated.


You start the gauntlet at the village, and consume a mushroom called . You then consume a pint of water. Next step, you use any mean of locomotion, be it a pelagos conch shell, for example, to slide down the river and reach the lagoon in a set time. For those crashing, guards patrol the riverside often, and even more during the festivals, to protect from any dangerous travel caused by the hallucinations.

Components and tools

The only real important is the mushroom itself.


Many participants can do the gauntlet at the same time but it is usually better for people to do it one at a time. Haurangi keeps a key role as the gauntlet launcher. He is supported by a couple of volunteer pelagos at the lagoon which can confirm the contestant's completion.


This event is done only during Aurora's Gathering.
Primary Related Location


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