Haurangi Character in Manarchy | World Anvil


(a.k.a. The shroom connoisseur)

"Look at this bouquet; the colors... the TEXTURE ! Have one, friend. This plant should protect your smooth skin as we will pass the thorns near the landmark we need to reach. Make SURE to crunch it well, let the paste melt a bit... ever tried this where you come from? I named it Malashma. OOOOOHHH you should try it to make some jam, it's DELICIOUS. Now where was I... AH !YES! the goddess's one. Onward! Oh wait.. do I see some new plant over there ?"

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Haurangi has a rather weird moving pattern, making it feel like he's continuous under impairing effects. He is rather small for his race's standards.

Body Features

Haurangi has two round-shaped scars on his right forearm which implies he got a nasty snake bite or something of the genre. He doesn't remember the incident.

Facial Features

One of his eye is discolored after numerous toxic experiments. He also seems to have eyebags and have his eyes squinted a bit by default, betraying an abnormal health and sleep schedule.

Identifying Characteristics

Aside from his eye, the most reckognising feature of Haurangi are his "hair", he usually takes seaweeds that he treats regularly. It is not uncommon for him to put his makeshift hair in front of him to reduce the eyes' strain from the sun.

Apparel & Accessories

Haurangi always travels with a minimum of three vials to be ready if he discovers new specimens of fungi or mushrooms.he keeps them on an alchemist belt he uses as a makeshift chest belt due to his smaller size. He also keeps a makeshift hooked cane he can extend to reach small holes and get back something with the attached fishing hook at the bottom.

On his makeshift belt, he also has a old silver-rounded monocle in perfect condition he keeps in one of the belt pockets, when he is home working on his gatherings, he often has it out of the belt's pocket,

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Haurangi lived a rather mundane life as a citizen of Man'gaihi Island until he got lost during a gathering. Having lost his rations, he risked to consume unknown mushrooms he found.   The fungi gave him heightened senses but also aftereffects which made him wander in the lands nearby, surprisingly unscathed. When he came back to the village, his random whereabouts made him discover some treasure near the coast which helped develop the seers' researches.   This made Haurangi addicted but also gave him a purpose, and became a self-proclaimed master gatherer of fungi. Rather happy to share his discoveries, he prepares some group events whenever opportunities arise, like during holidays.




Haurangi education is limited to an average civilian education and struggles with memory from time to time due to consumption of toxic substances. However, he is knowledgeable in plant and fungi around the island. He mostly, however, learned from trial and error. Some say as a joke he could be a fitting concubine for the Queen so future generations could develop a better poison resistance, as long as he doesn't tries the mushroom that will kill him one day.


Works fulltime as a gatherer specialised in fungi. His work time is however very erratic and pelagos use to say jokingly "You don't search for Haurangi, he will get to you eventually".

Personality Characteristics


Haurangi found his purpose the day he tried those mushrooms up to discovering the creek full of treasures. For this reasons, he takes great pride in making a book about the wildlife and mycology of the island. He has no intent to stop until the island as been totally explored. But what after ? who knows...

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Haurangi's eye issues gave him somewhat of a blurrred vision on high distance. Thanks to that, he oftens want to reach closer something he struggles to see it, for good or bad.

Likes & Dislikes

Cooking Roasted Redbelly Pike

Virtues & Personality perks

Haurangi is generous of his time to explain the wonders of mycology. He is also eager to get help gathering more ingredients.

Vices & Personality flaws

Haurangi extreme addiction to fungi and mushrooms scares a lot of pelagi which think one day, he will find something that won't let him stay alive. But most prefer not to confront him, since he never was this much invested and happy founding his "purpose".


Compared to the pelagi usual smell and hygiene, Haurangi is dirtier than average thanks to his long treks outside the watery parts of the village. ASide from mud, he usually smell of fresh herbs in varied types, which makes a everchanging perfume on him, for good or bad.


Contacts & Relations

Most relations Haurangi have are business related. He works directly with Seers, alchemists and cooks of the village that are looking for specific ingredients. However, he is hard to make an appointment with, and most of his affairs are made directly when he travels with his goods to the village.

Social Aptitude

Haurangi is a rather isolated person, but quite extroverted when people come to his visit, appreciating the occasional gathering. He however doesn't like highly populated zones and prefer to sale on his own terms. He has a bit of an attention disorder and may forget about his gathering companions if he in tracking something of interest.


Haurangi speech is rather slowed down and pitch varies from time to time depending on the subject.
Chaotic Stupid
Current Location
Originally Blue. His left eye is discolored due to intoxication aftermath.
Haurangi has makeshift hair made of seaweed, they are curvy and fall to his shoulders, giving a bit of a rasta look.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue with light indigo/orange skinpox
1.11 M
Known Languages

Character Portrait image: Pelagos - Haurangi by Succinini


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