Spearlight Tower Building / Landmark in Malatoria | World Anvil
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Spearlight Tower

This tower once housed the Five Point Spear, the Mal-Torak worshipping rulers of Thragaphest. It now serves a number of different functions, from barracks to prison to temple. Its name derives from the Spearlight Orb, a magical relic that shines its light from the top floor of the tower. The magical light shines over the entire city at night giving Thragaphest’s citizens special proof against undead creatures.   The Spearlight Tower sits "below the rock" in Thragaphest but its height gives it vantage over the entire city.

Purpose / Function

A watchtower meant to keep the city safe from undead and lycanthropes.


The Spearlight Tower is one of the most distinguishing features of Thragaphest's skyline.
Parent Location

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