Regnum Silvanum Organization in Malatoria | World Anvil
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Regnum Silvanum

To the east of Ard Almiead and Mezzaluna is Regnum Silvanum. Like Mezzaluna, Regnum Silvanum is not a unified kingdom but rather a territorial confederation of different political organizations. However, Regnum Silvanum is primarily populated with generally benevolent non-human races and cultures. The dominant culture and largest population is a tribe of sylvan elves (est. 5,000). Their ruler, Elisee Skyborn, inhabits a palace built in and around the boughs of a massive (and ancient) banyan tree known as Eld Bageesha. Elisee’s people are rarely openly hostile to outsiders without good reason. In fact, the wood elves thrive on commerce with other communities. Merchant’s March, the principal trade route connecting Regnum Silvanum, Larissa, and the outside world bifurcates the mountains of the Serrated Blades to the north and the Shadow Towers to the east and south. It runs directly through the heart of Regnum Silvanum. A community of mountain dwarves mines the Shadow Towers for gold, silver, copper, and more precious metals (a vein of adamantite is reputed to run somewhere deep within the mines of Grimhorn’s Gulch). Geologists from the Spire of Truth have frequent dealings with the mountain dwarves. Small towns of halflings, gnomes, and other friendly races are sprinkled throughout.
Political, Confederation


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