Phestiana Building / Landmark in Malatoria | World Anvil
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This three spired castle atop the granite hill of Thragaphest is the home of Thragaphest’s current ruler, Duchess Duska Martinova. It was built hundreds of years ago by a group of adventurers and holy men in a campaign against evil undead forces in Volinsk. The Duchess’s refined tastes have transformed it into one of the most architecturally beautiful castles in Malatoria, while its insides are a perfect balance of traditional class and trend setting fashion. Rumors speak of a massive system of underground tunnels and catacombs that riddle the granite rock below.   Architecturally, the Phestiana is an opulent crown atop the granite hill of Thragaphest. Its outer courtyard contains the oldest tree in Thragaphest, a beautiful Volinskian Mora (sycamore) with blood red leaves.   The inner courtyard of the Phestiana is a small private park. A black marble statue and fountain flows into a small pond whose surface is covered in beautiful violet and red water lilies. At the center of the pond is a small granite island often occupied by bards and jongleurs. Lush topiary, cut to resemble rare magical creatures: Dragons, unicorns, pegasi, and more attract with their verdant and alien beauty. The grass itself is neatly trimmed, a veritable green carpet that shows no sign of wear or weed. At the opposite end, underneath a massive stained glass ceiling, the red carpet leads to a small copse of birch trees. The white bark of the trees is given a strange, exotic coloring from the stained glass ceiling while long strips of white silk that dangle from their branches sway serenely in the faint breeze. Amidst these trees, is the throne of the Duchess.


The magical stained glass window that arches over the Ducal throne changes throughout the day. During daylight hours it shows a moon and stars; while during the night it displays a spectacular sun and skies of blue.
Manor house / Meeting hall
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