Duchess Duska Martinova Character in Malatoria | World Anvil
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Duchess Duska Martinova

The Duchess of Thragaphest (a.k.a. The Grand Widow of Thragaphest)

The duchess has ruled over Thragaphest for the last 25 years, ushering in a new era of culture and refinement. She has a cool demeanor towards most people and does not suffer fools. She is attractive for her age and takes pains to keep up her beauty and appearance. She had a semi-romantic courtly love affair with Lothar Von HughGraven long ago. She and the Baron never married as it was never politically advantageous to her, and that may have been a good thing for the Baron as Duska has been married, and widowed, four times. She wears her silver hair up and is never without the onyx, platinum and ruby crown that displays her station. She has fine taste in all things and is a great (and nearly psychotic) love of the arts. She has been known to execute players or artists that offend her fine tastes.   The Duchess is Manfred's main supporter in the Royal Court of Volinsk. When she travels to Kladinsk she always brings Bogdan Domitov, Otto Von Strausheim, and 15 of her elite guardsmen.
by Zac Thompson

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