Redwind Tea Condition in Magmoia | World Anvil

Redwind Tea

Red Wind Forest - Tree Name: Rohodo Tree   Bark of the Rodho tree is laced with a chemical compound that is used as a defensive mechanism for the tree. [Parap Toxin.]   the chemical is known to paralyze the muscles in smaller animals who would try to burrow through the bark into the center of the tree. [Insects, birds, small mammals.]   The bark is shaved off into thin strips and placed into a boiling pot of water. As the chemical seeps out of the bark the water will begin to turn a dark red [Similar to the color of blood]   [Side Note, If the bark is chewed on it can provide a very mild calming effect on the body, and if chewed on for an excessive amount of time can cause paralysis of the muscles in the mouth/throat causing issues with breathing and swallowing.]   Timing for the concoction to be boiled for desired effects:   5 minutes of boiling: Will be enough to relax the muscles of an aching body or to help with sleep.   10 minutes of boiling: Can be used to help with mild muscles spasms or severe muscle cramps   15 minutes of boiling can be used to calm the muscles down enough for surgery.     if the brew is boiled in excess of 25 minutes the redwind tea can lead to a severe condition where the muscles permanently relax and will no longer contract. Leading to muscle atrophy and eventually death.   The concoction is used as a means of relaxing muscle before surgery. The relaxed state of the body makes it easier to operate as the body of the patient isn't tense.   Surgeries that would require such a concoction include [Amputation]   other uses of the concoction. [Muscle Spasms, tight muscles.]     If one is to take too much or take a particularly strong dose they can be afflicted with a serious condition that will leave them paralyzed and unable to contract their muscles. The chemical in the drug will destroy the nerve endings that receive signals from the brain causing permanent damage. The muscles will no longer contract and will eventually lose mass from not being used. After a time the muscles will atrophy to a point where the victim will die from a long list of issues. [Weakened heart beat, inability to eat, diaphragm and lungs being unable to breathe, hypothermia due to a loss in muscle mass.

Cover image: Wizard Sleeping WDFC by Jesse


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