Neven Organization in Lyx | World Anvil


Snow leopards that live in the Merdevine Range between Koa and Amkha territory. Most live in small settlements in the mountainsides and keep to themselves, though they are known to occasionally clash with the territorial Koa, whose roaming Nests sometimes take them close to the borders between them. There is officially peace between the two tribes, albeit uneasy.   The Neven are renowned craftspeople and their tools or weapons are extremely valued and sought after. Artisans forgo any 'modern' methodology, preferring to create things from base materials intended to last several lifetimes. While these products are considered extremely valuable and are quite expensive when sold, to buy or sell a Neven tool is a grave insult to the artistan: on principle, they are only given intentionally, or offered to one who has earned their goodwill, and one who has bought or sold their wares with any kind of regularity is certain to find scorn among their number.    
Nevertheless the tribe is known for their exquisite attention to detail in their work, and the complexities of their metalworking is unparalleled except perhaps to some Makari artisans. Neven generally do not trust the Makari steel-singers, however, seeing their techniques as unnatural and an antithesis to the principles of metalworking. They do not venture into Trusik lands except to trade for supplies. The Amkha and the Neven traditionally are allies, each tribe letting the other roam through their lands freely, and this hospitality extends to any traveler moving through Neven territory. They are generous hosts, and will gladly house anyone who may need a place to stay- provided the guest takes care not to insult the delicate craftwork of the Makari, many of whom devote their entire lives to their craft.
A Neven tool, weapon, armor or artifact is extremely durable, well-made and valuable. They are intended as gifts or rewards for those that deserve them, and owning one without it being given is taken as a serious insult at best, and outright theft at worst.
Neven marriage goes here, puzzle box.
Neighboring Nations

Respectful neutrality

The Neven do not seem to have much of an opinion on the Makari; the spiders, however, hold the snow leopards in high regard, deeply respecting the dedication to their craft. Many Makari make the effort to visit them in hopes of obtaining one of their highly celebrated tools.


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