Materialwise it seems to be the counterpart to Lapita. It is a pitch black crystalline material that seems to devour light. Much like Lapita it is able to be activated, but to discharge the saved energy through energetic stimulation. The more energy is saved in it, the more it seems to pull other matter towards it. It doesn't dissipate so easily, when you start the discharging and won't stop it it will disassemble itself to nothing, this also happens when harming it's structure while it's filled with energy.
Various accidents happened and still happen while handling Tenita. For long it was deemed as a plain dangerous material, as it is quite pretty and Lucemi collected it, but if it is put under physical pressure it explodes, so some carried jewelry with it and died in a explosion. As it needs to be energized it took quite some time to link it to Tenita, it's hard to ask people that were victims what happened, they rarely survived and mostly don't know what happened to them. A few generations earlier it was first tested to fuel automatons with it. The first working tools were giant hammers driven by steam engines, the steam being created by small pieces of charged Tenita that are cracked to release their energy.
Meanwhile we have numerous machines running on them, but only the most high classed craftsmen and industry is allowed to use it under special safety measurements. A few years ago we made a breakthrough by being able to slowly draw energy from the crystals or fill them. This opens up the topic to various usages, but the ability is not refined and spread enough to be broadly used, we are experimenting.
Due to it's nature it already has taken quite some lives of mine workers, that have driven their pike into the rock and started a huge explosion, because they've hit a vein of Tenita
Various accidents happened and still happen while handling Tenita. For long it was deemed as a plain dangerous material, as it is quite pretty and Lucemi collected it, but if it is put under physical pressure it explodes, so some carried jewelry with it and died in a explosion. As it needs to be energized it took quite some time to link it to Tenita, it's hard to ask people that were victims what happened, they rarely survived and mostly don't know what happened to them. A few generations earlier it was first tested to fuel automatons with it. The first working tools were giant hammers driven by steam engines, the steam being created by small pieces of charged Tenita that are cracked to release their energy.
Meanwhile we have numerous machines running on them, but only the most high classed craftsmen and industry is allowed to use it under special safety measurements. A few years ago we made a breakthrough by being able to slowly draw energy from the crystals or fill them. This opens up the topic to various usages, but the ability is not refined and spread enough to be broadly used, we are experimenting.
Due to it's nature it already has taken quite some lives of mine workers, that have driven their pike into the rock and started a huge explosion, because they've hit a vein of Tenita
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