Muddy Thumbs Adventures
by Ruby O'Degee
Benefactor/Author, Ann Dickerson
Ruby O'Degee is a fictive author (analogous to a pen name).This is a work of pure fiction. Characters cannot possibly be living, dead, ghosted or holo reflections of real persons. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Copyright 2022 -2024 Fictive (pen)Ruby O'Degee
All Rights reserved for text, images, virtual world products and animations.
Any images or writing by other artists/authors will be credited independently.
World Building is published with World Anvil.
Images are often composited with Midjourney and edited by with other filters and art by Ruby O'Degee. Game Masters & Lightkeepers are free to use these images when you credit Ruby O'Degee (ROD) & MidJourney.
Maps are created with Inkarnate, unless otherwise stated.
Images created for Muddy Thumbs Adventures are handmade by Ann Dickerson aka Ruby O'Degee.