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Basic Information


Srirlings have four limbs, and most have two eyes. They have foxlike features, with forest, desert, and Andrian srirlings having large, triangular ears. Arctic srirlings have smaller, round ears with long fluff to protect from the cold. Andrian srirlings are the only noted genus to exhibit abnormal numbers of eyes, with an extra set of eyes a relatively common mutation. They have long, fluffy tails that serve primarily to assist in balance. They are primarily bipedal, with digitigrade legs that assist in quick movement. They typically have anatomy focused on quick, silent movement, but are relatively small and weak. Their eyes are a pure, inky black.

Genetics and Reproduction

Srirlings have a relatively fast gestation period. They can, if they wish, reproduce as quickly as once every 4 months, but most choose not to.

Growth Rate & Stages

They start life at only around six inches in length, and tend to grow quite slowly. They open their eyes at around one week old, and their ears open at two weeks. They begin walking at approximately two years old, and talk at three years. They are fully grown at around 16 years old, and have a lifespan of around 70 years, if they're lucky. They reach maximum height at around 5 feet, and the tallest recorded was 6'3".

Ecology and Habitats

They are very widespread and have many subspecies. These subspecies are the forest srirling, the desert srirling, the arctic srirling, and the Andrian srirling. They tend not to stray far from their typical habitat, but can typically be found pretty easily in most places. You would never, however, find a desert srirling in the Frozen Wasteland, or an arctic srirling in the Desert of Souls.

Biological Cycle

They typically shed the thickest part of their fur in summer, and grow it back in fall. This only applies to forest and Andrian srirlings. Arctic srirlings maintain a long coat all year, and desert srirlings have a short, dense coat all year.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Their society is a gerontocracy, in which the elders form a council which rules. A member must be over 50 to qualify for the council, and its size completely depends on the number of people present within the town.


They are typically not domesticated, but there was an event that occurred around 200 years ago where some infant Srirlings were mistaken for typical Srirs, which are domesticated, and were taken into an Eshaqin society. They were assumed to have the intelligence of a parrot, and many generations lived like that, actually devolving slightly into only developing an intelligence of 4. This line still exists, though only around 50 members are still alive, and are barely sapient at all. They are all owned by rich Eshaqin.

Facial characteristics

Their facial characteristics vary between subspecies, but they all have a few things in common. They all share the solid black eyes, small black noses, and fur covering the entire face. They also have shorter muzzles than the wild srir, and slightly blunter teeth in order to make them capable of speech. Forest srirlings can vary in color from dark brown to light ginger, and typically have both black and white markings on their face. Their muzzle is white and they will often have darker markings around their eyes. They have long, triangular ears with either black or white tufts on the ends. Arctic srirlings have white fur, and typically have solid white faces. They have smaller, rounder ears than their counterparts, and tend to have much longer and thicker hair. Desert srirlings are between off-white and almost brown, and typically have yellower undertones. Their ears are large and triangular, designed to dispel heat. They typically have sharper teeth and black gums, strong enough to bite into needle-sharp cacti without injury. Andrian srirlings are the most interesting, as they descend from Andria. They are either pale orange or pale pink, with the opposite color in fancy swirling marks on their face. They are often seen to exhibit an extra pair of eyes, located right below the first pair, which they tend to use to gain a wider field of view.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are very widespread, with the only continents they aren't prominently located on being the Fortune Lands, Dreanesia, and Eshaque. They are found prominently in the Forest of Grien, the Desert of Souls, the Frozen Wasteland, Andria, and Pelidore. They are less prominent in Ocharial due to their tendency to burrow, but there nonetheless.

Average Intelligence

They are sapient, and are relatively smart. They have an average intelligence of 10.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their hearing is incredibly, with their huge triangular ears designed to funnel in as much sound from their environment as possible.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They typically have relatively short names that mimic the sound of their yips and barks. There is little separation between male and female names, but female names tend make heavier use of the letter 'I'. They also have a kit name, which tends to describe a feature they hold close, and while they grow out of this at 12 years old, close family might still use it affectionately, and some use it as an insult to denote childishness.  Male names: Jay, Han, Iirk, Oro, Lonz, Won Female names: Pip, Iri, Kii, Hina, Lori, Qio Cub names: Tiny, Fluffy, Flame-bright, Bright-eyes, Whiskers

Beauty Ideals

They typically have relatively loose beauty standards. In all of them, they prefer a solid, thick, shiny coat with no missing patches and a long, bushy tail. In Arctic Srirlings, they prefer lighter, completely solid colors. In Andrian Srirlings, clearly defined markings that do not fade much are considered very attractive, as well as simple and uncomplex markings. In Forest Srirlings, a pure white tail tip and long ears are considered better. In desert srirlings, a yellower coat is considered desirable. All of them value straight, sharp, white teeth and purer black eyes that are larger.

Gender Ideals

Srirlings have four defined genders, each which have a specific societal role. There are Havii, Fuwlii, Jamii, and Tirii. While later in life this is not determined by sex, males are assigned jamii at birth and females are assigned fuwlii. They will choose their gender for life at the age of 16, and will very rarely be able to change it after that. Havii are typically considered very feminine, and are always charged with caring for kits. They use the pronouns she/her/hers. Fuwlii are considered androgynous, and are tasked with leadership in the small scale, with confidence stressed very strongly from a young age. They use the pronouns ze/zer/zeir. Jamii are considered strong, tasked with hunting and military service. They can present anywhere between androgynous and masculine, and strength is stressed very strongly. They use the pronouns he/him/his. Tirii are the only gender that has no presentation assumptions, and they are also the rarest gender. They are considered "old souls" and are either assumed to be gifted by the horrors, or reincarnated from a past elder ruler, or touched by the spirit of nature itself depending on which society you ask. They use the pronouns Xe/xem/xir.

Courtship Ideals

It is typically courting customs to bring a prospective partner food. This food depends on region, with white martz berries being common in the Frozen Wasteland, small rodents and cacti flowers are common in the Desert of Souls, and various other edible gifts. These gifts being received and eaten is a sign that the interest is reciprocated.

Relationship Ideals

They typically consider any mix of genders socially acceptable, with the exception of Tirii. Tirii are typically not allowed to have romantic partners of any kind until much later in life, due to the fact that they are believed to be holy and important on some level. Srirlings will often have children pretty early in life, often before hitting 20. This is more commonly seen in pairings containing at least one Havii, whereas pairings with none will often choose to adopt out their children. Most adopters are actually male Havii, as they typically desire children but cannot have them. They also are typically very affectionate with each other, and are usually very public with their relationships. Tirii are often forced to leave their tribe or keep relationships very secret in order to have relationships.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They are very varied, and depend more so on the region than on the species. They have three different languages depending on the subrace. There is sritongue, which is spoken by continental Srirlings, sriol, which is spoken by Arctic Srirlings, and Ipsirin, which is spoken by Andrian Srirlings. They most commonly adopt common tongue, as well as the native language of their region.

Common Etiquette Rules

It is societally required that you be clothed at all time, but it is acceptable to have a tail hole in pants. Their etiquette is usually not strict to the species, and is typically more so adopted by the region they call home.

Common Dress Code

They wear primarily loose bottoms, due to the structure of their legs, and dresses are highly uncommon as they do not fit their bone structure. Their pants often have small holes in the back for a tail to be pushed through as well. Much of their clothing is short and light, as their fur is warm enough to compensate for the cold. Havii typically wear more decorative clothing, made from feathers, fur, and gems. Fuwlii are typically adorned in simple, clean clothes in neutral tones. Jamii are adorned in heavier, more padded clothing that even from a young age serves as moderately protective armor. Tirii are required to wear the council uniform from the moment they reach of age to be classified as Tirii, which can be as early as 10 or 12, depending on the society. This typically includes religious symbols and clothing made as dark as possible.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

They, being present in so many societies, mostly adopt customs of the place they reside.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They worship the spirits of nature, and believe that everything has a spirit. It is custom to thank every piece of prey they kill for living a life to feed them, and to celebrate natural holidays. Each full horror moon is a religious day where they do not work, and each second moon is a cause for great celebration.

Common Taboos

The largest taboo in their society is the taboo preventing Tirii from being in relationships. This is so strongly taboo that many of them will simply leave their homes in order to pursue romance that they cannot have in their homes.
Srirlings features and traits
  • Size: Medium
  • Speed: 30ft
  • Vision: No darkvision
  • Big ears: Advantage on perception checks based on hearing
  • Sharp claws: Due to your clawed fingers, your unarmed strike deals 1d4+dex slashing damage
  • Ability scores: +1 to dex
Scientific Name
Canidus Sirii sapien
70 years
Average Height
4.5-5.5 feet
Average Weight
Average Length
Their tail is approximately 3ft in length.
Average Physique
They tend to be thin and lanky, built for speed rather than strength. They have wiry muscles that are built to move quickly and silently.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their physical coloring also depends on their subspecies. Forest srirlings have medium length fur with an undercoat and a longer coat, and are typically a shade of orange-brown. Their tails are long and bushy, and tipped with white. Arctic srirlings are typically solid white, though they can also be a light gray.
Dragonling Subraces: 
  • Desert Srirling: You are a native race to the Desert of Souls. Adjusted to living in tunnels deep below the ground, you gain a burrow speed of 15ft in loose soil. You also gain a +2 to wisdom
  • Arctic Srirling: You are native to the frigid Frozen Wasteland, skittering throughout the icy plains. You are unaffected by difficult terrain caused by ice, and are resistant to cold damage. You gain a +2 to constitution. 
  • Forest Srirling: You are native to the deep, twisted woods of the Forest of Grien. You are tough and quick, designed to hunt and to kill. You gain an extra +1 to damage rolls on creatures that are size tiny. You gain a +2 to strength
  • Andrian Srirling: You have many odd mutations caused by your home continent. Choose one of the following benefits. 4 eyes: you gain advantage on perception checks involving sight. You can use this ability once per long rest. Sensors: you gain tremorsense for one minute. You can use this ability once per long rest. Prehensile tail: You can use your tail as an extra limb. This limb can only be used to carry items. 


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