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Holding up one of your scaly wings up above your head to shield your eyes from the bright wintry sun of The Frozen Wasteland. You step forward, your hard talons shoving through the snow, crunching through the hard layer on top of the snow. You feel a slight tingle of cold on your wing. Then a few more. Within minutes, a brisk wind has picked up and wet snow begins falling all around you, melting on your scales. You begin to shiver. You know you need to find somewhere to shelter for the night. Desperate, you spot a large cave nested among the hills. Struggling through the storm, you hurl yourself into the cold cave. A growl resounds in front of you. You look up to see, towering above you, a massive white figure, its crinkling black eyes glaring at you from above. You gulp as you notice the pile of bones behind this massive creature. You feel yourself freeze in place, knowing going into this cave may be the last mistake you make.

Basic Information


A huge, sturdy, muscular creature with four legs, no tail, and a huge massive jaw. It has huge eyes and long, white fur.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduces sexually. The females are often pregnant for 12 months, giving birth to 2-3 cubs.

Growth Rate & Stages

As an infant, the baats are quite small, weighing around 20lbs. After around a year, they are juvenile, they're eyes getting bigger and sight sharpening. They are now around 500lbs. by the time they are 10 years old, they are fully grown and weigh around 4,000lbs.

Ecology and Habitats

They usually live in caves around the Frozen Wasteland. If they cannot find a cave of their own, they move north to live in the forests. If they cannot even do that, they make a cave in the snow.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are apex predators. They eat mostly Wareokkuts, but will generally grab any chance with any animal possible. After any kill they do not want to, or cannot finish, they dig a cave in the snow to freeze the body and keep it fresh. They defend these kills intensely. It hunts and kills by simply grabbing a weaker member of a herd and biting it quickly before immediately taking it back to its cave.

Biological Cycle

While they do not hibernate, they can easily go into a deep sleep for around two weeks. This usually occurs after massive kills.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It has darkvision 120ft. and can see through up to 3/4 cover.
Conservation Status
This species is moderately threatened, but still quite populated. It is hunted often for its huge soft pelts, but some want to keep them alive and protest the hunters.
Geographic Distribution


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