Kyrrn Character in Lorrimor’s Legacy | World Anvil



The Gate, the Key & the Guardian

“I know the Gate! I am the Gate! I am the Key and the Guardian of the Gate!”
  Whoever or whatever They were Before, if there ever was Before, is irrelevant. Now there is only Kyrrn and Nyrrk, Nyrrk and Kyrrn. While They are Two, the Two are also One. One coin, two faces. Kyrrn dwells within, and Nyrrk dwells without. They may seem to speak as Two, but they have always spoken as One. And when They speak, They speak as Themselves.  I know the Gate!” (“Y' kadishtu shuggnglui!”) (Nyrrk)  I am the Gate!” ("Y' ah shuggnglui!”) (Kyrrn)  I am the Key and the Guardian of the Gate!” (“Y' ah ch'nglui ng nnnogor ot shuggnglui!”) (Nyrrk)   The Sign of Gha that was once so obvious on Kyrrn’s neck (but is now invisibly tattooed all over her body), declared her purpose as the Gate. And the Gate’s purpose is to open. But Nyrrk is the Gatekeeper, and the Gatekeeper’s purpose is to bar and protect the Gate. In this, They both have purpose, for without one there is no other.   Before the Stairs of the Moon, Nyrrk was predominantly with Tanoth-Gha and had only a small connection with Kyrrn, like a thin, fragile thread. He could come forward through Kyrrn, but only for a short spate of time. However, after Highthrone and the consumption of the Star Monarch, Nyrrk moved to Kyrrn, and that connection is now a strong, unbreakable chain.   While They are Two, the Two are also One. (Ph'hai f' ah ehyee, ehyee ah nng ehye.)   But the one question that remains is to whom is Nyrrk supposed to open Kyrrn?

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Kyrrn @ Wanderer's Guide